Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: ninjarfs on September 15, 2011, 04:57:18 AM

Title: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: ninjarfs on September 15, 2011, 04:57:18 AM
Can anyone tell me if there is an aftermarket windshield for the 696 Monster that has more height to it as to deflect a little more air?

Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: ungeheuer on September 15, 2011, 05:11:35 AM



<<< all available from Jeff @ Monsterparts over there in the sponsors list  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: JEFF_H on September 15, 2011, 10:31:34 AM
I like the looks of this one best
(tho not as wide as some of the others)


Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: thought on September 15, 2011, 11:42:28 AM
pretty good set of pics in this thread:

http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=47838.msg873704#msg873704 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=47838.msg873704#msg873704)

Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: ninjarfs on September 15, 2011, 01:04:28 PM
Thanks alot!  Leaning towards the Puig!   :)

Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: patrick696 on September 15, 2011, 01:56:47 PM
I have used the Givi with my 696. One thing to keep in mind is if you decide to use bar risers it may affect the wind flow off of the screen that could direct it into your helmet and generate a lot of wind noise. At least, that has been my experience....

Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: ninjarfs on September 15, 2011, 03:07:19 PM
Okay......thank you.  I will take that into consideration. 

Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: ajw85 on September 16, 2011, 04:50:30 AM
http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/large_photo?mv_session_id=fbUWAudN&mv_arg=N28213&search_model=du-016 (http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/large_photo?mv_session_id=fbUWAudN&mv_arg=N28213&search_model=du-016)


Title: Re: Taller/Touring type windshield for 696 Monster?
Post by: Penelope Pitstop on October 12, 2011, 08:44:14 PM
I have the VStream on mine & I love it !!

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