Title: Silly Italians Post by: The Mad King Pepe' on September 21, 2011, 04:26:39 AM 41 year old son, has a job, still lives with his parents and demands they cook and for him and wash his clothes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14995588 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14995588)
??? ??? ??? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: Stella on September 21, 2011, 04:49:45 AM Betting the parents created the....
wait for it... wait..... Monster! ;) Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: The Architect on September 21, 2011, 06:05:27 AM This is a very common story in Italy. :( Many men in their mid 40's are still living with mom and dad. I have relatives that are in this situation. Some of them were married. They got divorced and moved back in with their now 70 year old parents.
Stella is spot on! This is how a typical day should go for that family: son: morning dad father: get the make the beast with two backs out! son: hey mom where's my shirt? mom: get the make the beast with two backs out! son: looks like it's going to be a nice day father: get the make the beast with two backs out! etc....... Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: IZ on September 21, 2011, 06:50:34 AM This is a very common story in Italy. :( Many men in their mid 40's are still living with mom and dad. They live with parents since it's too expensive to buy a house. Seems like when they finally do buy, they pay in cash. we'll be seeing that more here in the States in the future. Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: yamifixer on September 21, 2011, 08:28:41 AM This is a very common story in Italy. It is prett common in PA to. My brother is 46 and lives at home. He moved out after HS joined the Navy and was gone for around 12 years. He go in some trouble and got Kicked out of the service. My folks took him in as he was broke and 14 years later he is never leaving. my Father just retired and Mom is close. I brought it up to my dad that he needs to go and he says he is still his son and he can't kick him out. I told him tough love my be a good thing for him. Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: fastwin on September 21, 2011, 09:24:12 AM Hell, my parents wanted to kick us all out when we were in elementary school! [roll]
Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: The Architect on September 21, 2011, 11:00:20 AM Those men are called Mammoni. Watch the video link below.
http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7365109n (http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7365109n) Yes it is starting to become more common in the U.S. But are moms washing and ironing cloths, cooking breakfast and dinner and making beds? That's the difference between here and there. Yes housing is expensive. Get an apartment. Can't afford it? Get another job! No work out there? Live in a box! Get the make the beast with two backs out. If Mom and Dad are kind enough to take you in they probably took good care of you when you were around. Show them some respect and get the make the beast with two backs out! Let your parents live their lives. They've probably earned it. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/237601/Italian_men_offered_cash_by_government_to_move_out_of_their_mom_s_home (http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/237601/Italian_men_offered_cash_by_government_to_move_out_of_their_mom_s_home) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5761647/#.Tnoyduz4J3I (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5761647/#.Tnoyduz4J3I) Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: bevel on September 21, 2011, 11:34:38 AM I've got an uncle in his 50s that simply never moved out. While my grandparents we fortunate enough to invest in some property back in the 70s, they now have a summer home and winter home. Of course, this means my uncle has a room in both.
Thankfully he does his own laundry, but my grandmother is still buying food for him. Fast forward to my younger brother, in his mid 20s, still living with my parents, and looking like he's on the same trajectory as my uncle... When I went off to college, it always felt weird for those few weeks/months between semesters when I wasn't living on campus. It felt like I could always go "home", but it'd never be my "home" again. During my senior year, I was living in an apartment with my girlfriend (now wife), and it just felt better. Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: VisceralReaction on September 21, 2011, 12:40:01 PM This last year while going through my divorce I lived with my folks. After about 6-8 months of that I was
going freaking nuts. Sure Dad and I would cook, but i cleaned the upstairs and did my own laundry. There was no way in bloody hell I would want to live there full time. I can't see how some guys do this. [bang] Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: fastwin on September 21, 2011, 12:50:22 PM Years ago one of my best friends had his older brother and sister working full time jobs and still living with their parents. They had gone off to college, graduated, found employment and moved in with Mom and Dad and had no intentions of moving out. They cleaned their rooms and did their laundry but ate Mom's home cooking. They had zero romantic social life. Drove my friend and his parents nuts! The parents couldn't convince them to move out so they had to bribe them with cash. Seriously. They gave them both tens of thousands of dollars in hopes they would use it on a house down payment or apartment rent. It worked. It was like "we'll finally move out if you pay us". [roll]
Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: The Mad King Pepe' on September 21, 2011, 01:39:48 PM Yes it is starting to become more common in the U.S. What's absurd about the story I linked to is that the guy seems to have a job but he "demands" to live at home and that his parents feed him and wash his clothes. Even for Italy (more so in the North) that is waaaaaay above the limit.But are moms washing and ironing cloths, cooking breakfast and dinner and making beds? That's the difference between here and there. For those who don't understand the situation (culture, economy, necessities) all I can say is: don't look at the stereotypical cases that make the news and think everyone is like that. Besides can you even imagine how pathetic this guy's sex life must be?!? Terabytes of pr0n streaming to his computer everynight! Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: r_ciao on September 22, 2011, 09:52:51 AM The greatest trait that my parents taught me was independence. I love them for that and so many other reasons. I could have saved lots of money living at home during and after college, but I grew up. Barring any real compelling reasons, adult children living with parents need to grow up and move out. That's my $0.02.
Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: MikeZ on September 22, 2011, 11:28:21 AM My ex wanted me to move back in with one of my parents when we got separated so she could get more more money out of me. Needless to say I didn't move back in with either of them.
Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: muskrat on September 22, 2011, 08:14:41 PM I was out by 18. My parents changed the locks, no shit, and said good luck. Never looked back and the herum of women I could have in and out made me happier. Thank you Mom and Dad. [clap]
Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: RAT900 on September 22, 2011, 11:40:15 PM Our parents made leaving home an exercise in personal survival
Two of my siblings bailed at age 15 lied about their ages and started their own independent lives and never looked back the one sister who came back to help "mom" took herself out 3 years later the other sister who didn't run is a street-level crack/smack/meth head I ran at 17, but none of us ever outran the dark shadow cast by that mountain of shit childhood some just made their peace with it Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: Mother on September 23, 2011, 12:24:34 AM hey who wants to see rats baby book?
Title: Re: Silly Italians Post by: lauramonster on September 24, 2011, 10:42:49 PM Depends on the parents & the kids. Older brother hit college and never moved back. My sis ter went to college, moved back the went to California. the baby (me!) was allowed to stay as long as I liked, and moved out when I wen to college at 26. (community college didn't count). We mature at differen rates, and there's no magical age. Been married 20+years.