Title: Windshield for Monster Post by: catduke on November 01, 2011, 01:59:46 PM I find that when I get up to a certain speed on my 2007 S2R 800 Monster that the wind pressure on the chest and neck area can be fairly tiring. To date, I have not been able to find an after market windshield that would afford me a little more wind protection. I am loathe to spoil the overall lines of the bike by putting on something too extravagant, but if someone knows what a good compromise item might be, I would greatly appreciate it.
Title: Re: Windshield for Monster Post by: vossy on November 01, 2011, 02:30:07 PM Here in Australia we have a company who makes fantastic screens "eagle screens" They have about three different types for the monster.
Google them and see how you go. Title: Re: Windshield for Monster Post by: stopintime on November 01, 2011, 03:25:31 PM The Eagle Screen Touring (comes with or without lip) looks very similar to the Zero Gravity Sport Touring (ST) screen.
I have a clear ZG ST and it raises the wind-hit-point by several inches - for me (6' 3") at nose height. The clear (not smoked) version doesn't add much visual height either. Downside can be some noisy turbulence around the helmet, but that depends on many many other factors... Some turbulence can be avoided with a pair of PoorDucRiders fairing stays - they take away a lot of buffeting. As a matter of fact, I suggest trying only the PoorDucRiders first - maybe that's all you need. http://www.eaglescreens.com.au/?productcats=ducati (http://www.eaglescreens.com.au/?productcats=ducati) http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/23-708/Windscreens/23-708.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/23-708/Windscreens/23-708.html) http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/FAIRINGSTAYS/Windscreens/FAIRINGSTAYS.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/FAIRINGSTAYS/Windscreens/FAIRINGSTAYS.html) Title: Re: Windshield for Monster Post by: catduke on November 01, 2011, 08:31:03 PM Thank you for the helpful comments on the Monster windshield query. I shall check out those leads.
Title: Re: Windshield for Monster Post by: zooom on November 02, 2011, 03:15:11 AM on the older style monsters like yours, I have had great sucess with Givi screens...in specific, the A750 and he A755, depending on how much windblast you are trying to deflect in both height and width...my sister has an A750 on her 01 M750 and my GF has the A755 on her 05 M620ie...I had an A750 on my old 01 M900ie...
http://www.rlmotorcycles.com/cgi-bin/eShop/index.cgi?exact_match=no&product=Givi&keywords=keyphrase_GWSUniversal&cart_id=1305559466.69168 (http://www.rlmotorcycles.com/cgi-bin/eShop/index.cgi?exact_match=no&product=Givi&keywords=keyphrase_GWSUniversal&cart_id=1305559466.69168) Title: Re: Windshield for Monster Post by: madalf71 on November 03, 2011, 04:52:50 PM Hi.
MRA screens via Twisted Throttle, if you do a search there are some previous threads. Poorduc rider, excellent and a must. What's your location? Cheers. |