Title: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: brecchi on November 08, 2011, 04:07:49 PM ... I have a couple of days to go riding starting tomorrow. Was thinking of heading east to Montauk (Ive never been) and taking the ferry to Conneticutt from there. Other than that, not really sure but I dont have to be back until Friday afternoon. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: The Bearded Duc on November 08, 2011, 04:49:06 PM When I was still living in BK I used to head out to Newport, RI and Cape Cod quite a bit. Can't really help you with the roads as it was usually in a car but it was always a nice little get away.
This time of year in either of those places is pretty slow, tourist wise, so you shouldn't have to worry about crowds. I always liked Newport. Small colonial town with some pretty cool bars, restaurants, and antique stores. And there's the International Yacht Building School, really cool even if you're not into boats. They restore and teach students how to restore old wooden yachts and there are usually a few in the dock right outside. Title: Re: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: Vishwacorp on November 08, 2011, 06:46:42 PM As for getting to Montauk, the roads are pretty boring until you get near the Hamptons. Then you can take the Montauk highway all the way down which is pretty scenic and relatively twisty at times. Get to Montauk while there's some light remaining so you can explore the area around the lighthouse :-)
Title: Re: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: positivecarry on November 08, 2011, 06:52:31 PM If I could do this, I'd ride up through Harriman State Park, spend the first day doing all those roads (multiple times), then go up into the Catskills, spend the night. Then spend the second day playing in the Catskills before riding back home.
Title: Re: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: mookieo2 on November 09, 2011, 10:08:55 AM Go to PA. 122, 144, are fun. There are a ton of good roads there. I would pack some heated gear. You're gonna need it in the morning and at night.
Title: Re: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: patricks2r on November 09, 2011, 01:23:39 PM I agree... go to PA. Also check out route 125 while you are there. The Catskills are great but I don't think the roads will be very good due to he recent snow [sand, etc]. Long Island is boooorrrring in comparison. [Don't hate Mook!]
Title: Re: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: positivecarry on November 09, 2011, 04:31:13 PM I agree... go to PA. Also check out route 125 while you are there. The Catskills are great but I don't think the roads will be very good due to he recent snow [sand, etc]. Long Island is boooorrrring in comparison. [Don't hate Mook!] [/quote Good call on the Catskills being hurt from the weather. Forgot about that. Title: Re: Suggestions for 2 day ride from Brooklyn.... Post by: patricks2r on November 15, 2011, 01:08:21 PM So.. where did you go?