Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: ZachDDill on November 18, 2011, 05:54:54 AM

Title: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: ZachDDill on November 18, 2011, 05:54:54 AM
So I currently have a '9 M750 with stock cans that I painted a flat black, I like the look of it but they are impossible to clean, What I was wanting to do is paint the pipes black but with a glossy finish. What all do you suggest to do this? I need to sand down the pipes? Am I going to need to clear coat them? Can I just use a rattle can? I don't really know anything about paint so all help is appreciated.

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: TitanMonsterS4R on November 18, 2011, 06:00:21 AM
Post your question here and you should get all the help you need  [thumbsup]

http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=29.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=29.0)

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: Punx Clever on November 18, 2011, 08:22:51 AM
Not sure how hot the cans get... but your best bet if you wanna just go rattle can is engine paint.

If you really want to do it right, have them ceramic coated.  Gonna cost a bit more though.

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: NorDog on November 18, 2011, 12:04:59 PM
Not sure how hot the cans get... but your best bet if you wanna just go rattle can is engine paint.

If you really want to do it right, have them ceramic coated.  Gonna cost a bit more though.

I had my pipes ceramic coated by Jet-Hot.  The coating has long since been flaking near the exhaust ports.  When I get around to it I'm going to pull the system, remove the old coating, and ratlle can the whole shooting match with matte red VHT.

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: dropstharockalot on November 18, 2011, 12:40:12 PM
This thread is worthless w/o dunking pics.

///back on topic...
I did some of my plastic bits with Rustoleum matte black.  It looked decent until road grime got to it, so I cleaned it off, re-shot it and clear-coated it.  The clear coat took away the matte and made it sparkle like that fruity vampire my wife loves so much.

Krylon makes a rattlecan flat/matte finish as well as a clear coat that doesn't have the sparkle problem.  Our local home improvement warehouses carry both.  If yours doesn't, you can probably find it at any decent auto parts store.

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: ZachDDill on November 21, 2011, 05:37:05 AM
This thread is worthless w/o dunking pics.

///back on topic...
I did some of my plastic bits with Rustoleum matte black.  It looked decent until road grime got to it, so I cleaned it off, re-shot it and clear-coated it.  The clear coat took away the matte and made it sparkle like that fruity vampire my wife loves so much.

Krylon makes a rattlecan flat/matte finish as well as a clear coat that doesn't have the sparkle problem.  Our local home improvement warehouses carry both.  If yours doesn't, you can probably find it at any decent auto parts store.

So I could both paint and clear coat with rattle cans?

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: dropstharockalot on November 21, 2011, 11:56:38 AM
I think so.  I believe there is a thread on here where a member did exactly that and posted pics.  Try a quick search, and maybe google matte clearcoats as well.

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: Mike Qube on November 22, 2011, 01:38:08 PM
My pipes with the black bbq grill paint are still holding up.

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: ZachDDill on November 22, 2011, 07:06:24 PM
My pipes with the black bbq grill paint are still holding up.
Thats what my pipes currently have and they are holding up as well.

Title: Re: Painting pipes (again)
Post by: dk1six on November 23, 2011, 01:22:02 PM
Thats what my pipes currently have and they are holding up as well.

My pipes with the black bbq grill paint are still holding up.

What did you do for prep work before painting, were the pipes new just going on or removed and painted?

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