Title: Brake Light Wiring Post by: cyberswine on November 20, 2011, 07:23:42 PM Getting ready to start a custom tail dock on my 2011 796 ABS with some added LEDs. (Just as soon as I can't stand freezing my own tail off any more). Wiring schematic shows a common black ground to the tail light with a Gray/Red and a Yellow. Pretty sure I read somewhere that the Yellow is the brake light but I can't find the post. Can somebody confirm that? A mistake would be....... ugly.
Title: Re: Brake Light Wiring Post by: cyberswine on December 02, 2011, 06:09:46 PM Oh my bad. Took the wiring harness out to start splicing and noticed the plate light is yellow. Revisited the wiring diagram and now I see the rear light will be yellow also (always on) so the Gray/Red is the brake light. Just in case it might help any other technically challenged people who have difficulty reading schematics :(