Title: Cost/difficulty to Jet my 99 M750 Post by: ZachDDill on November 28, 2011, 08:23:16 PM Its all in the subject...
Title: Re: Cost/difficulty to Jet my 99 M750 Post by: Howie on November 28, 2011, 08:59:01 PM http://www.ca-cycleworks.com/products/fuel-carbs?efi_carbd=219&engine_size=208&make=170&model=180 (http://www.ca-cycleworks.com/products/fuel-carbs?efi_carbd=219&engine_size=208&make=170&model=180)
http://www.dynojet.com/jetkits/index.aspx (http://www.dynojet.com/jetkits/index.aspx) I prefer Dynojet, most folk here seem to prefer Factory Pro. Difficulty? Skill required but it ain't brain surgery. Without knowing you it is hard to tell. If you choose to do this as a DYI project and don't have much mechanical experience you might consider asking someone with more experience to help. Title: Re: Cost/difficulty to Jet my 99 M750 Post by: ZachDDill on November 28, 2011, 09:03:04 PM I have no mechanical experience whatsoever, except for like changing my plugs
Title: Re: Cost/difficulty to Jet my 99 M750 Post by: seanster on November 29, 2011, 08:52:34 AM I have no mechanical experience whatsoever, except for like changing my plugs This has been on my mind for a while....but I have been reading this DYI (http://ducatisuite.com/jetkit.html (http://ducatisuite.com/jetkit.html)) over and over again just to make sure I'm comfortable when the time comes. Good luck! Title: Re: Cost/difficulty to Jet my 99 M750 Post by: ZachDDill on November 29, 2011, 11:53:11 AM This has been on my mind for a while....but I have been reading this DYI (http://ducatisuite.com/jetkit.html (http://ducatisuite.com/jetkit.html)) over and over again just to make sure I'm comfortable when the time comes. Good luck! I wanted to get the air filters that he shows on that site today but I couldn't find them so I just got K&M square one, but yeah I really wanna try jetting soon. Title: Re: Cost/difficulty to Jet my 99 M750 Post by: seanster on November 29, 2011, 02:32:48 PM I wanted to get the air filters that he shows on that site today but I couldn't find them so I just got K&M square one, but yeah I really wanna try jetting soon. You meant the Pod filters right? Yeah you can't really get them at the local store. You have to get them online. Just use the website he talked about in his DIY write-up. I won't getting it though, I'll just run an open airbox instead of pod filters. Title: Re: Cost/difficulty to Jet my 99 M750 Post by: brad black on November 30, 2011, 02:03:26 AM the open airbox lid seems to work a bit more consistantly than the pods, and it means everything stays as it was location wise.
it's not too hard a job, just take your time. if you go dynojet kit then remember the dynojet main jet sizing numbers are different to the mikuni sizing. factory pro kits come with mikuni mains. use new needle jets, either factory pro or ducati - 13240041A i think. last 750 i did ran 135 mains i think, if i remember i'll dig out the info. |