Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Tech => Topic started by: ran on December 07, 2011, 07:03:33 AM

Title: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: ran on December 07, 2011, 07:03:33 AM
So I'm about to change the oil on my own for the first time for my 2011 Monster 696. Does anyone have any recommendations on oil, filter, chain lube?

I found this oil and it seems to be quite a bit cheaper than Motul:
http://goo.gl/zgmWV (http://goo.gl/zgmWV)

I have no idea about filters and chain stuff.

Could I use a filter not made by Ducati if my bike is still under warrantee? Are filters for motorcycles like cars where each make and model uses a different one?

Is it bad for the bike to switch oils on the next oil change if I'm staying with all synthetic? Because at the next service they'll probably put in Motul with esters or something. I don't really know what that is.

Any stand or bike cover recommendations?

Is there anything special I should do to care for the bike when it freezes outside? I plan on riding it as long as it's not raining or icy, so just for the few days of overnight freezes I don't know if there's anything I should do.

Sorry for all the questions, I really am a beginner at motorcycle ownership.  [bow_down] Thanks!
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: Dirty Duc on December 07, 2011, 07:54:51 AM
Oil thread alert!  [coffee] The stuff you picked out is also an ester-having kind of liquid.  I'm not qualified to make recommendations on oil, and I just use Motul in mine because it works and it is green.  The only possible side effect I have heard/read concerning oil brand changes is on the clutch.  It would seem the arguments center around the life/happiness of the clutch discs if they keep swimming in different mixes of lubricant.

I like K&N filters because they have a nut on the bottom, but if it will go into the dealer for the next oil change they will probably put the regular kind back on.  There are different ones for different bikes, but Ducs use a KN-153

For chain lube, I hear chicken grease works great...  ;D or I have used PJ's, Belray, and now I am on the Dupont wagon.

Around here, bike covers are sails for making sure the wind knocks your bike over.
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: thought on December 07, 2011, 08:07:33 AM
This thread should help out with your oil change and future chain tension questions:

http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=50365.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=50365.0)

Read up on the oil thread at the top of this forum to find out way more than you ever wanted to know about oil.  Also, I've heard that it's not a good idea to use synthetic oil during the break in period, not sure why or if it's even true but it's something that's been floating around.  And switching oils isnt a huge issue.

If you want cheap oil that works for motorcycles, look for Shell Rotella T6 5w-40.  It's a fully synthetic diesel engine oil, but it's JASO certified and doesnt have any friction modifiers.  Lots of people use it with no issues.

Different oil filters wont affect your warranty, and I prefer K&N simply for the ease of removal.  Last Duc filter I had on I had to hammer a screwdriver into to get off because my strap wrench didnt work.

For bike stands, pitbull is the gold standard and the most expensive.  TRex is also good, but not as nice as the PitBull's... the welds are pretty ugly whereas the PitBull ones are pretty much art.  That being said, the TRex's are cheaper and I doubt you'll have any issues with them.  I'd pick up the galvanized ones, painted ones seem to eventually rust.

For chain lube, try out the dupont stuff, it works great and keeps the chain clean.  You can find it in Lowes:

http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/motorcycle-chain-lube/dupont-teflon-chain-saver/ (http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/motorcycle-chain-lube/dupont-teflon-chain-saver/)

In terms of bike covers, merg is right, it'll increase the chance of it being blown over in a storm.  But if you're parking outside all winter, it also decreases chance of theft by a good amount.
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: Slide Panda on December 07, 2011, 10:25:21 AM
The Mobil 1 can be found at Autozone - and there's usually a couple buck per quart discount at the register. I've been using it for years

Ducatiz did a run down on filters, where he cut up a number. The OEM ducati filters and the KN were nearly identical and (if I recall correctly) took 2nd place in his field.

I'll take credit on bringing the Dupont love to the DMF masses for chain lube. I've been using it since i read about it on WebBikeWorld(.com) in something like 2006. It's great, it's relatively inexpensive (about $5 a can) and can be found at hardware stores.

Stands - rear stand is your friend. If you're on a budget don't bother with a front.
As noted Pit-bull is the king of the hill, with good reason. But they are not cheap. I have a rear stand from Handy, that's actually been great. It was free to me, but the retail for about $50. So if you're on a budget you might look them up as well. T-Rex, as mentioned, are really popular and offer a good stand at a very low price.

If you're expending really low temps - you might bring the battery inside.
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: ScottRNelson on December 07, 2011, 11:19:24 AM
Mike Cecchini uses Mobil 1 in his Ducatis, so that's good enough for me.  That's what I used in mine before I sold them.

I always stuck with genuine Ducati filters, since they don't really cost more than other brands.

Dupont multi-use Teflon Lube for the chain.

You can't find a better stand than Pitbull, so just get those.  That's what I had, until I sold the Ducs.  They don't work with either of my current bikes, since the steering stems are too high and the swingarms don't match well.

As for what to do when it's freezing, put it in a garage.  A Ducati shouldn't have to sleep out in the cold.  ;)
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: ran on December 07, 2011, 12:25:41 PM
Wow thanks guys! I didn't know thye sell Motorcycle oil at Autozone, I'll have to check them out. I was looking at stands and some are "spool" stands and I looked at the pictures it seems like my bike doesn't have "spools"? So I can't use them right? I guess I need to get the ones that lift elsewhere?
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: thought on December 07, 2011, 02:13:26 PM
You can get lifts that lift by either spools, the swingarm, or both.  In general it's recommended to get spools though as they are more stable for lifting up the bike.  They're pretty cheap and go in easy.  Here's a link to some pitbull ones, but there are cheaper ones other there:

http://www.monsterparts.com/p/F0013-001/Pit+Bull+Spool+Kit-6mm+with+inserts.html (http://www.monsterparts.com/p/F0013-001/Pit+Bull+Spool+Kit-6mm+with+inserts.html)

Look here for more pics of pitbull stands and how they can lift the bike:

http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=53990.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=53990.0)
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: Cloner on December 07, 2011, 02:31:55 PM
I've even seen Mobil 1 20W50 V-Twin at my local Walmart for under $8 per quart!  That's what I use in my '95 SS...'cause Mike "The Asshole in the Van" Cecchini uses it in his Ducatis.   ;D  I'll have to point Mike to this thread, just so he can see I'm spreading his new nickname far and wide.  Any of you who know Mike, feel free to use his new nom-de-guerre.

My newer MHe gets Silkolene....'cause that's what it came to me with and I get a really good deal on it.

I generally use OE filters...again, 'cause I get a really good deal on 'em.  I like the K&N, too.  No issues with 'em...and the lathe cut seals they use are softer....meaning they're easier to seal without overtightening.

I've used Pitbull, Ducati Performance (made by someone else...but DP, nonetheless), Lockhart Phillips, T-Rex, and several others.  The only ones I won't recommend are the generic ones and the LP bits, which look like the generic ones.  They're just plain flimsy.  I'm not really fond of my Pitbull front stand, but it's a first generation model that was superceded more than a decade ago by an easier to use model.  I keep using it, though, 'cause it's paid for and it's tough as nails!   [thumbsup]

Covers are great if you can park where the bike won't see lots of wind across it....like next to a wall or under a porch.  They keep the dirt and grime out of the working bits.  If you get one, make sure it breathes so water doesn't condense inside the cover and rust the bike's iron/steel bits quicker than they otherwise might without the cover!  They also tend to work better on bikes with centerstands.  Got a centerstand?  No?  Bummer.  Park with the sidestand toward the wall you're parking beside.  (bike leaning toward the wall)
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: Slide Panda on December 07, 2011, 03:23:42 PM
Quote from: Cloner on December 07, 2011, 02:31:55 PM
I've even seen Mobil 1 20W50 V-Twin at my local Walmart for under $8 per quart! 

At autozone it works out to $8 n change with tax here. The price one the shelf is the better part of $10. But every time I go buy 4 quarts it comes out to $34 and change. And this has been the case since 2006
Title: Re: Sorry, total newbie here with some questions
Post by: Skyshadow on December 07, 2011, 06:51:01 PM
I agree with the K&N filter, Much easier to work with.