Title: DP ecu / open airbox, and stock exhaust? Post by: tristantumble on June 22, 2008, 08:48:23 AM i really want the termi kit on my m695, but its pretty pricey. Anyone know how much it would run to just install the DP ecu and open airbox, and leave the cans for later? Can this be done, will this improve the performance of the bike with the stock cans? Or do i have to do it all in one shot.
Thanks. TT Title: Re: DP ecu / open airbox, and stock exhaust? Post by: johnster on June 22, 2008, 09:48:59 AM I'd honestly say do it all in one shot..
-The purpose of the open airbox is to get more air into the engine, but you need to be able to get it out after it has been used for the combustion process (Termis). If you increase the airflow both in AND out, then the engine will happily run... I'm running SPS cams in addition to the full system, which upps the horsepower (and angry sound!! [evil] ) pretty signifiacntly, but that involves tearing into the engine, so you probably would just want to go w/the full system... -The stock exhaust is like a narrow maze of pathways that the exhaust fumes have to go through before exiting, where the Termi is a straight, wide open path... Leaving one or the other out won't get you any performance increase + the engine won't like it (it'll run lean w/just the airbox). That's why slip-ons are really just for sound/looks... -I say hold out + do the whole system, you'll thank yourself later!! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DP ecu / open airbox, and stock exhaust? Post by: tristantumble on June 22, 2008, 10:59:32 AM thanks for the advice, but i thought for the m695, you can only get slip-ons, vs the whole thing, am i wrong? It just seems hard to justify the price, i could probably trade in my bike pay what i would pay for the termis, and get a s2r 1000 ? I guess I'm just trying to justify dropping 20% of the bikes value on an upgrade.
thanks. TT Title: Re: DP ecu / open airbox, and stock exhaust? Post by: johnster on June 22, 2008, 01:33:51 PM thanks for the advice, but i thought for the m695, you can only get slip-ons, vs the whole thing, am i wrong? ooooh, ya got me there... :-\ I sorta just assumed that midpipes were available for all models. You know who you should ask?? "msincredible"... She rides an m695 with Termis, and she knows her sh!t when it comes to that particular model... -Believe me, I know the system is NOT cheap!! But for me it went like this: I heard a Duc (S4 I think it was, which I own) with a full Termi setup downshift then accelerate past me about 4-5 years ago, and said to myself in a robotic, zombie-like tone... "Muuust_owwn_Ducaaati_that_makes_that_sooouuundd" ... -So I walked to the dealer with my arms straight out and a dazed look on my face.... I was muttering that same phrase the whole way there, checkbook in hand, and got what I wanted... I haven't looked back even once!! Title: Re: DP ecu / open airbox, and stock exhaust? Post by: tbird245 on June 23, 2008, 02:43:58 PM You can buy the ECU alone, but it's only about a hundered bucks less than the whole kit.