Title: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: ducpainter on January 01, 2012, 06:18:31 AM After waiting for the tapatalk modification to get smoothed out, and for the new year, we've added it so our mobile users can have better functionality. It will work better for the Admins and mods to work from their mobile devices.
Registration will still only be allowed from land based computers. Once you register use whatever means to post you like. Let me know if you have problems so I can see if any issues can be worked out. Happy New Year. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: duccarlos on January 01, 2012, 06:23:05 AM Is there a free version of tapatalk or do they at least give you guys a cut for every subscriber?
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on January 01, 2012, 06:27:12 AM Is there a free version of tapatalk or do they at least give you guys a cut for every subscriber? I honestly don't know about a free version.There was no mention of the forum being paid any cut. I did this so mobile users could have better access and because some asked for it when it first came out. I figured some will use it on several forums so any subscription cost would be easier to swallow. If people don't want it it's just a click away from being removed. Let me know. Title: Re: Re: New mobile support... Post by: duccarlos on January 01, 2012, 06:29:05 AM I using it now. So far so good.
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: Narflar on January 01, 2012, 07:48:31 AM This is great news!!
FYI, the news link at the top of the site is borked... http://%22http//http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=54417.0%22 (http://%22http//http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=54417.0%22) Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on January 01, 2012, 07:52:22 AM This is great news!! I never did check it.... :PFYI, the news link at the top of the site is borked... http://%22http//http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=54417.0%22 (http://%22http//http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=54417.0%22) Thanks. The link works now, but doesn't recognize you as a member...just a guest. I'll try again. I eliminated it...no ambition today. Link fixed...I was trying to do more than I had to. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: Grampa on January 01, 2012, 01:46:19 PM Does this mean we can see boobies now?
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on January 01, 2012, 01:49:35 PM Does this mean we can see boobies now? If you close your eyes real tight...Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: Grampa on January 01, 2012, 01:55:00 PM When asked ...... "how do you feel about boobies?"..... Nate for replied, "with my hands"
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: red baron on January 01, 2012, 01:58:28 PM When asked ...... "how do you feel about boobies?"..... Nate for replied, "with my hands" thats cuz his eyes are failing.....as are mine. :P Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducatiz on January 01, 2012, 03:46:02 PM anyone have a link to a trial version? i hate buying apparently with no trial
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: accludetuner on January 01, 2012, 04:09:53 PM I don't know of a trial version, but I have TapaTalk on a few of my sites.
As a site owner, I don't like that the useragent field is hardcoded. As a user, I don't like that only the default smilies are used/visible, some media embedding doesn't display properly, and any parts of the site that are not in the forum get ignored completely. For a mobile forum browser, it is quick, easy to use, hassle-free, and very convenient. It's worth the $3 or whatever they're charging for it.....especially if you will use it on more than one site. I use it every day. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: reebok on January 01, 2012, 05:28:27 PM Good for us users to have tapatalk support.
Been using opera mini on the iPad. Pictures don't seem to come out right, video links only rarely. thanks appreciated Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducatiz on January 01, 2012, 06:27:17 PM i was using my blackberry and got a funky subset of the board on it.
now i have an android and the board comes in full and fine in the native site, no "mobile" site. i'd be open to using an optimized interface, but i'm not a fan of buying apps without trying them. Title: Re: Re: New mobile support... Post by: accludetuner on January 01, 2012, 06:54:53 PM I tried to point out the main issues so you knew what to expect. The smiley issue I posted about is probably the most annoying here ........ like seeing the word "bacon" all over the place randomly. :D
Other than that, I think you'll like it and chances are that other forums you visit use it too. It's worth the few bucks. Title: Re: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducatiz on January 01, 2012, 06:56:12 PM I tried to point out the main issues so you knew what to expect. The smiley issue I posted about is probably the most annoying here ........ like seeing the word "bacon" all over the place randomly. :D yeah, that might be a little annoying for me Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: Grampa on January 01, 2012, 08:43:23 PM Pork hater
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: herm on January 02, 2012, 05:23:23 AM When asked ...... "how do you feel about boobies?"..... Nate for replied, "with my hands" i usually start at the nipples....and I also prefer trial apps before purchase. niether of which has anything to do with thanking the admins for improving the board for us. THANKS [beer] Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: cokey on January 02, 2012, 06:40:59 AM Is it like the autoguide thing? I use my phone for internet about 95% of the time. The dmf is actually the fastest and best loading site in its regular version.. I don't like using mobile versions at all..
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on January 02, 2012, 12:04:19 PM I'm on other forums where mobile users seem to like the tapatalk app. From screen shots I've seen it should be easier for admins and mods if they need to do their thing from their phone, and the few times I've tried to log in from my not so smart phone I wish there was a tapatalk version.
I don't use mobile devices because of that besides an ipad, and the board is fine on that. If you like the board as is on your mobile device...fine. If you like the tapatalk app...fine. No one is forcing anyone to use anything. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: imaspecialparts on January 15, 2012, 09:55:17 AM Hello friends!
The tapatalk is beneficial to all users - not just those for mobile! If you use the Google Chrome browser, go to the Chrome Web Store - and get the app "tapatalk notifier", here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/plfhcjljnfjpfcbjpgnflfofmahljkjj (http://"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/plfhcjljnfjpfcbjpgnflfofmahljkjj") it is free, and it alerts you if you get a PM, which can be very helpful. Sincerely, P @ IMA Special Parts NA Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: desmoquattro on January 15, 2012, 09:24:35 PM Folks - I get the following pop-up on every page view on the site:
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6706174377_6ba1965e59_t.jpg) This happens on iPhone and iPad, sometimes multiple times per page. Is that intentional? Perhaps the pop-up should only come up one time, be dismissed, and never reappear on subsequent page views. I don't want to use Tapatalk, especially on the iPad. But I hate dealing with the pop-ups. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: OT on January 15, 2012, 09:43:48 PM It's from China - I'm staying clear......
Folks - I get the following pop-up on every page view on the site: (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6706174377_6ba1965e59_t.jpg) This happens on iPhone and iPad, sometimes multiple times per page. I only get it on first contact....iPhone 3G with OS 4.2 - maybe it's an iOS 5 thing. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: kopfjÀger on January 15, 2012, 09:57:46 PM Folks - I get the following pop-up on every page view on the site: (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6706174377_6ba1965e59_t.jpg) This happens on iPhone and iPad, sometimes multiple times per page. Is that intentional? Perhaps the pop-up should only come up one time, be dismissed, and never reappear on subsequent page views. I don't want to use Tapatalk, especially on the iPad. But I hate dealing with the pop-ups. I received it once on the iPhone and iPad, haven't seen it since. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on January 16, 2012, 04:55:20 AM Folks - I get the following pop-up on every page view on the site: anyone else having this problem?(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6706174377_6ba1965e59_t.jpg) This happens on iPhone and iPad, sometimes multiple times per page. Is that intentional? Perhaps the pop-up should only come up one time, be dismissed, and never reappear on subsequent page views. I don't want to use Tapatalk, especially on the iPad. But I hate dealing with the pop-ups. It's unacceptable in my mind. Which OS are you using on your devices? Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: desmoquattro on January 16, 2012, 06:45:59 AM anyone else having this problem? It's unacceptable in my mind. Which OS are you using on your devices? iOS5 across all of mine: an iPhone 4, iPad 1, and iPad 2. Often times these things rely on setting cookies to prevent recurrence of the pop-up. But Javascript access to cookies on mobile browsers isn't perfect. I'd almost rather see it inline as content on the page. Lots of news sites do this, and it tends to drive me away from them. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on January 16, 2012, 07:04:39 AM iOS5 across all of mine: an iPhone 4, iPad 1, and iPad 2. It isn't anything we're actively 'doing'. Often times these things rely on setting cookies to prevent recurrence of the pop-up. But Javascript access to cookies on mobile browsers isn't perfect. I'd almost rather see it inline as content on the page. Lots of news sites do this, and it tends to drive me away from them. All I did was install the app. I don't know if the developers are actively doing it. There's a support forum that I'l register for and see if I can get some help with this. edit... you're correct about the cookies thing. Enable cookies in your browsers and it should stop. Let me know. It would also be helpful if folks who aren't having issues could post up and give some details about their OS and device. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: imaspecialparts on January 16, 2012, 08:42:05 AM No problems on my iOS5 iPhone, dismissed after first popup, no reappear.
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: OT on January 16, 2012, 09:53:11 PM Same experience as reported by imaspecialparts on my iOS 4.2.1 iPhone
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: StephenC on January 16, 2012, 11:50:09 PM No problems here. I'm using the TapTalk interface more than the web version. Both iPhone 4 and iPad 2 working fine (latest OS). Personally I'm grateful the mobile version has been added ... Thank you
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: sebastienb on February 20, 2012, 07:44:31 AM Tapatalk not working for me today
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on February 20, 2012, 10:03:59 AM Tapatalk not working for me today Anyone else having problems?Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: sebastienb on February 20, 2012, 08:53:00 PM Sorry I think my problem was with my work wifi. Works fine now
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on February 21, 2012, 04:07:01 AM Sorry I think my problem was with my work wifi. Works fine now Good newsTitle: Re: New mobile support... Post by: Gadgetech on March 15, 2012, 06:26:50 PM Anyone else having problems? ***EDITED TO SAY*** I deleted Tapatalk and reloaded it and I got back in. I'll leave the rest below in case a mod is interested in the error. ******************************************* I haven't been able to log into the forum via Tapatalk for probably a week. I removed this forum from my list of tapatalk forums because I couldn't login. Now, I can't get it back. I see it in the list but I get the error "Cannot connect to forum. This forum is either restricting access from Tapatalk or the installed Tapatalk plugin is not working. Please contact your forum administrator." It then shows a "System Message" that reads, "Received from client compressed HTTP request and cannot decompress." I've closed out Tapatalk, shut the phone down etc. I can log into the other forums on Tapatalk without problem. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on March 16, 2012, 03:03:16 PM ***EDITED TO SAY*** Not sure what the issue is.I deleted Tapatalk and reloaded it and I got back in. I'll leave the rest below in case a mod is interested in the error. ******************************************* I haven't been able to log into the forum via Tapatalk for probably a week. I removed this forum from my list of tapatalk forums because I couldn't login. Now, I can't get it back. I see it in the list but I get the error "Cannot connect to forum. This forum is either restricting access from Tapatalk or the installed Tapatalk plugin is not working. Please contact your forum administrator." It then shows a "System Message" that reads, "Received from client compressed HTTP request and cannot decompress." I've closed out Tapatalk, shut the phone down etc. I can log into the other forums on Tapatalk without problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled the mod. There is only one version for our SMF version, and no one else is reporting problems. Any better? Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: Gadgetech on March 16, 2012, 04:13:13 PM I did get back in after deleting the app from my iPhone and reloading it.
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on March 16, 2012, 04:36:28 PM I did get back in after deleting the app from my iPhone and reloading it. [thumbsup]Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: StephenC on March 17, 2012, 02:46:55 PM I had the same problem as Gagetech, but wiping and re-downloading the app cured everything. It's not just this forum. I had similar problems with another forum app for another site. I think that with so many iPhone apps some of them can be a bit buggy. I'm still using the iPad version more than my computer these days so am grateful to have the choice.
Title: Re: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ab on June 17, 2012, 09:03:45 PM Thx for this thread. I couldn't use Tapatalk this weekend. But deleting and Redownloading it did the trick.
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: jgaliastro on August 04, 2012, 05:28:57 AM Would it be possible for you (the admin) to create a "add on" for the forum runner app. I would like to use this forum through the app, but they say the forum owner needs to request this and turn this feature on. Please let me know if this is something you're willing to support. Thanks!
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on August 04, 2012, 12:34:18 PM Would it be possible for you (the admin) to create a "add on" for the forum runner app. I would like to use this forum through the app, but they say the forum owner needs to request this and turn this feature on. Please let me know if this is something you're willing to support. Thanks! Sorry...There is no version for our forum software (SMF) that I can find. Once it is available I would probably wait a while for them to work out the bugs. It took a year or so for tapatalk to get ironed out. Once it was we added it. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: MendoDave on August 25, 2012, 02:30:51 PM Will this make it so that safari will show videos in this forum?
I'm using an I pad and that is the only problem I have on this site with Safari. No video. I still have little understanding of what tapatalk is supposed to do. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2012, 02:53:55 PM Will this make it so that safari will show videos in this forum? I really don't know what tapatalk is supposed to do either besides 'enhance the user experience'. ;D People asked for it and when it stabilized we added the mod to the forum.I'm using an I pad and that is the only problem I have on this site with Safari. No video. I still have little understanding of what tapatalk is supposed to do. Is it this site or is it that Apple and Adobe Flash don't play nice? Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: MendoDave on August 25, 2012, 03:04:13 PM I really don't know what tapatalk is supposed to do either besides 'enhance the user experience'. ;D People asked for it and when it stabilized we added the mod to the forum. Is it this site or is it that Apple and Adobe Flash don't play nice? Apple and adobe flash don't play nice. I take it then that flas is the issue? Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: derby on August 25, 2012, 04:15:43 PM Apple and adobe flash don't play nice. I take it then that flas is the issue? depends on the video... if a video is being played in a flash-based player, don't expect that to work on an ios device. ...or on android 4.1+: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2406507,00.asp (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2406507,00.asp) Adobe confirmed in a Friday blog post that "there will be no certified implementations of Flash Player for Android 4.1." "Devices that do not have Flash Player already installed are increasingly likely to be incompatible with Flash Player and will no longer be able to install it from the Google Play Store after August 15," Adobe said. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: MendoDave on August 25, 2012, 04:51:59 PM Well I plan on keeping a laptop around too. These tablets have limited functionality.
Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2012, 05:05:43 PM depends on the video... I'm taking this as it isn't the forum. [thumbsup]if a video is being played in a flash-based player, don't expect that to work on an ios device. ...or on android 4.1+: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2406507,00.asp (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2406507,00.asp) Adobe confirmed in a Friday blog post that "there will be no certified implementations of Flash Player for Android 4.1." "Devices that do not have Flash Player already installed are increasingly likely to be incompatible with Flash Player and will no longer be able to install it from the Google Play Store after August 15," Adobe said. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on February 20, 2013, 05:45:21 AM There is an update for tapatalk that will be installed tomorrow about 6:00 pm est.
There will be a short period when tapatalk will not be available. If after the install on our end you have issues accessing the forum using tapatalk, the surefire fix is to uninstall and reinstall on your end. Title: Re: New mobile support... Post by: ducpainter on June 17, 2013, 01:52:25 AM I just got notification that tapatalk is being offered for free for many devices.
Quote Get Tapatalk app for free! To celebrate our 4th year anniversary, Tapatalk app is now completely free. Checkout Tapatalk 2 for Android in Amazon App Store, Tapatalk 4 (Beta) in Google Play, and the original Tapatalk app for iOS is also free in Apple App Store! Another reason to activate Tapatalk on your forum - get them now! Here's the chance for those of you that didn't want to pay for it to check it out. Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: ducpainter on June 03, 2014, 02:58:04 PM Tapatalk has a new version.
It's not a mandatory update, and in the past users have had issues with new versions so I'll leave it up to you guys. Do you want me to update, or not? Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: ducpainter on June 05, 2014, 02:28:26 AM no one with an opinion?
how strange. ;D Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: Monsterlover on June 05, 2014, 02:36:25 AM I don't use it but I would think it best to wait until the latest version has proven itself.
Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: ducpainter on June 05, 2014, 02:41:56 AM I don't use a phone to surf. ;)
It seems that every update requires the user to do an uninstall/reinstall of their app. If the new version has benefits it might be worth it for the user. I'm looking for people that do use the app to comment if they've found any difference. Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: StephenC on June 05, 2014, 03:03:13 AM I use the TapTalk App all the time and am very pleased you are on there. I'm guessing you are asking about an update to the server end as there have been tons of App updates recently and no issues with any of them. I don't have any issues with the current setup so I guess you could take the 'if it 'ain't broke' approach. What are the benefits of upgrading?
Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: ducpainter on June 05, 2014, 03:15:30 AM I use the TapTalk App all the time and am very pleased you are on there. I'm guessing you are asking about an update to the server end as there have been tons of App updates recently and no issues with any of them. I don't have any issues with the current setup so I guess you could take the 'if it 'ain't broke' approach. What are the benefits of upgrading? Yes, this is an update on our end, and I'm a huge fan of the don't fix it approach.The new version adds SSO and Push notification support. Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: StephenC on June 05, 2014, 03:55:22 PM I can live without push notifications, though prefer the idea of them than an e-mail telling me a post has been updated. SingleSignOn doesn't really matter - I am already signed in on all me devices and it is no effort to do so occasionally, if needed.
Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: ducpainter on June 05, 2014, 04:28:42 PM I appreciate your input.
Anyone else? Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: derby on June 07, 2014, 09:56:24 AM i'll give it a whirl.
Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: Heath on June 07, 2014, 10:19:44 AM I can live without push notifications, though prefer the idea of them than an e-mail telling me a post has been updated. SingleSignOn doesn't really matter - I am already signed in on all me devices and it is no effort to do so occasionally, if needed. +1Title: Re: New mobile support...updated in last post Post by: ducpainter on June 07, 2014, 03:19:52 PM i'll give it a whirl. Have you run into the version for SMF 1.1.x? |