Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: Billyzoom on February 01, 2012, 09:45:22 AM

Title: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: Billyzoom on February 01, 2012, 09:45:22 AM
Holy cow!    C'mon, tank! 

I somehow keep getting all these scratches on my tank, but for some reason my tank is exceedingly stubborn and refuses to swell so I can get it replaced.  At my age I'm getting used to things not swelling like they used to, but this is ridiculous!    :D


Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: stopintime on February 01, 2012, 03:05:20 PM
Fill it with water.

If that doesn't help, fill it with water and put it in the freezer.


Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: red baron on February 01, 2012, 07:45:54 PM
Buy gas from California.... >:(

Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: kopfjÀger on February 01, 2012, 08:55:07 PM
Buy gas from California.... >:(

 [laugh]. So glad I live in a state that's full of good ol boys.  :D

Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: teddy037.3 on February 02, 2012, 12:22:24 PM
dump some ethanol in it

Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: ute on February 03, 2012, 04:20:34 PM
I'm with ya bud !!

scratch's and no swelling ....and I use 10% ethanol !!!!!  Damm 06 

Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: IdZer0 on February 04, 2012, 12:50:18 AM
From what I've read, don't ride for a long time and leave the gas in the tank.

Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: jerryz on February 04, 2012, 11:47:50 AM
C4 or high pressure lines ??????

Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: CairnsDuc on February 04, 2012, 12:15:13 PM
Air Pressure, Just wrap your lips around the Exhaust and blow!  ;D

Title: Re: What's it take to get my gas tank to swell?!!
Post by: ducatiz on February 05, 2012, 08:24:22 PM

I put E85 into a tank in a sealed cabinet with 5% humidity.  No swelling.

Same tank with E10, and I set the humidity to 75% = swelled within a month.

Ethanol can't do its evil unless there is enough moisture to suck it in.

Winter months are dry, lots of people in southern cal, arizona, new mexico will never see expansion.

Come summer and run that humidity up, you'll get plenty of condensation in the tank and ethanol will do its work.

The fuel testing in the Minnesota E20 test used a protocol requiring 50% humidity for those that are curious.  Their testing showed a 9-10% circumferential expansion in the test samples (e10 and e20).  I spoke with the guys who ran the test and they said the protocol was intended to simulate real-life fuel conditions -- they also added 1% water to the fuel mix.  However, given the reputation of Nylon-6 to absorb water that it was reasonable to assume most if not all of the expansion was due to the water/humidity and not the ethanol alone.

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