Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: Jimmy6tring on February 02, 2012, 07:56:37 AM

Title: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: Jimmy6tring on February 02, 2012, 07:56:37 AM
I'm sure there may be tons of info on this and I've been digging for a weeks now but I'm still learning the forum (still don't know what "bump" is...) so if this is redundant please go easy on me;)

I've got my first Ducati coming soon: '01 S4.  Super pumped about it.  But it's totally stock, and while I've already got a wishlist in the $$$$'s the first thing that's gotta go is those cans... Would LOVE to put some lo mount termi's on but that seems only marginally possible.

My question is in weighing the pro's/con's of available exhaust options: Arrow, Leo Vince, Mivv, all seem to be in the same price range and look about the same... youtube vids for sound are more or less worthless... just having trouble breaking this decision down and there are fewer options for this older bike.  Any advice is appreciated.  Thx!

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: Slide Panda on February 02, 2012, 09:30:12 AM
Bump - a post with no relavent content that's purpose it to elevate the discussion back to the forefront of the discussion stack.

At the end of the day, most are very similar. There's some variety in the dimensions and materials used. But all will be lighter (a lot) than stock, louder and more bass than stock.

All three you list are known quality manufacturers.

FYI - if you're looking to install high-mounts you'll need to remove the emissions canister  (black box) behind the right rear set. There's instructions on this site. The high-mount connection pipes pass right trough the spot where that canister lives.

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: Jimmy6tring on February 02, 2012, 02:24:43 PM
Bump - a post with no relavent content that's purpose it to elevate the discussion back to the forefront of the discussion stack.

That makes sense...

So go with the cheapest then...?

The guy who I'm getting the bike from has a set of Hi mount arrows (he took off the bike) that I might go with but I'd prefer the lo mounts so I can keep the passenger foot pegs and ride 2 up with my girl.  Plus, I think they look a little better on the DSS bikes... more "monsterish" I guess.  Thanks for the input!

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: gage on February 03, 2012, 04:59:34 AM
That makes sense...

So go with the cheapest then...?

The guy who I'm getting the bike from has a set of Hi mount arrows (he took off the bike) that I might go with but I'd prefer the lo mounts so I can keep the passenger foot pegs and ride 2 up with my girl.  Plus, I think they look a little better on the DSS bikes... more "monsterish" I guess.  Thanks for the input!

my sil moto high mounts retain the footpegs for the passenger

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: Jimmy6tring on February 03, 2012, 10:35:51 AM
my sil moto high mounts retain the footpegs for the passenger

Yeah, I realize there are some options that keep the passenger foot pegs.  Sil Moto looks good too but for the money I might try the Mivv Suomo for a different look and they seem to get positive reviews.  Sound, price, and looks are my priorities (in that order).  The difference in performance gains are negligible IMO and I'm trying to keep in mind that this bike is already 12 yrs old and just my FIRST Ducati  ;D

The difference between oval cans and round cans is just aesthetics, yes?  Which do you have?

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: Slide Panda on February 03, 2012, 10:55:37 AM
Oval vs round is just look AFAIK.

All highmout slip ons will retain the stock foot pegs, even some of the crazy Ducati Performance full systems were designed to work with the stock pegs. But with low mounts that makes that discussion moot.

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: tassieduke on February 13, 2012, 01:25:55 AM
I have Leo Vince hight mount on mine at the moment,very pleased with the fit,finish and sound.(mine are straight through no baffle at all)
Before that I had standard height Termis with baffle that cant be removed.
The Leo's are very loud and deep.
Also open air box,upgraded DP ecu etc.
CF almost no heat,so pillion should not be an issue and fits to standard rear set an keeps the foot pegs.
You can see some pics on this link:
http://s571.photobucket.com/albums/ss159/finnbear270w/MY%20Bikes/ (http://s571.photobucket.com/albums/ss159/finnbear270w/MY%20Bikes/)

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: The Mad King Pepe' on February 13, 2012, 07:10:07 AM
If you want to ride two-up with high-mounts you will NEED to put a cover on the headers to keep you passenger from burning their legs. For example see the pics of this item http://www.ebay.com/itm/160720536396?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/160720536396?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649)

The guy who I'm getting the bike from has a set of Hi mount arrows (he took off the bike) that I might go with but I'd prefer the lo mounts so I can keep the passenger foot pegs and ride 2 up with my girl.  Plus, I think they look a little better on the DSS bikes... more "monsterish" I guess.  Thanks for the input!

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: seevtsaab on February 13, 2012, 11:11:17 AM
I've got the Mivv Suomo on my 620 and I like the sound. I don't think wind noise ever drowns them out,
I don't think that was true of the stockers.
The stockers sounded good on decal, the Mivvs sound good all the time. They are ~15lbs lighter iirc.
Much shorter, oval, makes everything else look too long.


Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: Jimmy6tring on February 17, 2012, 07:23:56 PM
I really appreciate all the input, getting to know this forum has been a pleasure so far, and an education for sure!

Seev, nice look!  I've narrowed my decision down to either the Mivv or Termi's, low mount, CF.  You up in the Green Mtn State?  Lot's of nice riding up there... about 3 months a year;)

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: muskrat on February 18, 2012, 08:33:32 PM
low mounts and you wont go wrong.   [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Exhaust recommendations: 2001 S4
Post by: moto on February 22, 2012, 02:38:30 PM


Spark M600-1000/S4 High Short Round Slip-on: Carbon Fiber (http://motowheels.com/i-6922346-spark-m600-1000-s4-high-short-round-slip-on-carbon-fiber.html)


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