Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => NYMMC => Topic started by: rgury on June 23, 2008, 07:35:07 AM

Title: court date on 17th...
Post by: rgury on June 23, 2008, 07:35:07 AM
About a year ago, I was on the palisades (NJ) heading north to meet some people to run bear mountain.  Exactly one month before that I made an improper turn in the city, got slapped with a small ticket, and thought I had a LITTLE more time to pay it.  (I'm from PA, we get 2 months to cut a check and they send you letters before they take your license.)

I don't speed on the palisades, but I opened it up to get in the middle of two packs of cars, and got clocked around 105 in a 55...  with a suspended license.  The cop looked at me like the biggest idiot, threw down 3 tickets, and drove me to the border.  I know some of you would never be in this situation, I know some of you might come close.

Got a lawyer and waited, now my time has come.

Just got off phone with my representation, he doesn't seem so excited. Says get ready for NJ suspension.  Get ready for fines.  Bring 500 cash on hand.  Wear a suit.  Doesn't see mant triple digit suspensions.  I don't think I get points because I'm licensed in a different state.

Anyone know what/how much money I'm looking at?  Also, I have NO WAY to get up there unless I ride.  Think I can park the bike at the courthouse, I have a feeling this is a dumb question.

Thanks in advance,

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Pakhan on June 23, 2008, 07:43:30 AM
Hard to say since I don' know exactly what those 3 tickets are for.  My guess though is since its NJ, you have multiple tickets, a suspended license, and have attorney fees your looking at at least 1k.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: rgury on June 23, 2008, 07:51:28 AM
Suspended License, Speeding, Wreckless Driving...   

Hard to say since I don' know exactly what those 3 tickets are for.  My guess though is since its NJ, you have multiple tickets, a suspended license, and have attorney fees your looking at at least 1k.1

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Pakhan on June 23, 2008, 08:05:24 AM
reckless driving in NJ can mean jail time, I've been there.

My guess is, if you have nothing else, reckless dropped suspended & speeding reduced.  Fines and attorney fees total of 1k - 2k depending on how expensive your lawyer is it could be higher. 

for me reckless (no signal) and speeding (115mph).  reckless was tossed and speeding reduced plus atty fees was about $700 - $800 end of summer last year.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Got Duc on June 23, 2008, 08:28:54 AM

you got reckless for no signal?

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Beattie_Yoo on June 23, 2008, 08:43:34 AM
assuming its PIP police. you wont get away with shit. Expect to drop at least a grand, and maybe suspend license. They are a ruthless money making machine (50mph speed limit on an interstate parkway?? c'mon)....you got f*cked hard, and you will learn to never ever ever take the PIP ever again. I may however suggest a local lawyer who has experience at that particular precinct. There are a few who are farmiliar with the judges and officers who can possibly get you a reduced charge(s) lemme know if you need the contact.

dont even give em the opportunity to catch you....just dont take that highway, period

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Pakhan on June 23, 2008, 08:44:50 AM

you got reckless for no signal?

yup he came up behind me and said I didn't signal, when I did signal, to change lanes to pull over.  I hate NJ's team gestapo.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Got Duc on June 23, 2008, 09:23:46 AM

Beattie is probably right about the local lawyer.

They will know the court and how it works.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: rgury on June 23, 2008, 09:31:28 AM
Beattie is probably right about the local lawyer.
They will know the court and how it works.

I don't care about money the bike suspension or fines.  I just don't want to go to a damn jail.  Had a trip planned 2 days after this court date, can't get money back.  Just got the notice yesterday.  Cmon guys, I wasn't being super hooligan, I just goosed it to 100 with an (unknowingly) bad license.  Do you really think I could see a damn jaildoor???

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: CountGreffi on June 23, 2008, 10:02:31 AM
Okay you do recieve points. If the ticket is for 4 points two will transfer to PA. So expect half the points to transfer. Your license will be suspended in the State of NJ for around 12 months. Plus you'll have to pay NJ $450 for that one. Speeding ticket will be the highest. Maybe 4 to 6 points for that one alone. You can get some things lessened and dismissed prior to you going to the judge. Get careless instead of wreckless driving. Have the speed you were doing come down, and eat it with the suspended license thing. About in total I'd say $1,200 is total with court fees, fines, and those type of things. Plus the lawyer. Don't worry if you have a PA License they can only suspend your driving privledges in NJ. So prepare to pay BWAH BWAH BWAH HAHAH. Idiot..your own fault. So don't expect sympathy. No jail time so quick whining like a pregnant dog, as your asshole (aka Balloon Knot) is safe from getting raped.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: rgury on June 23, 2008, 10:07:54 AM
So don't expect sympathy. No jail time so quick whining like a pregnant dog, as your asshole (aka Balloon Knot) is safe from getting raped.

Not expecting sympathy, gonna be straight about it.  Jail scares the crap out of me...  thanks for the straight response tho.


Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Pakhan on June 23, 2008, 10:10:37 AM
I think they put the possible jail time charge to scare people, I don't think they will put you in jail.  Especially with a lawyer on your side.  Remember, in the end most moving violations from any state are there for them to make money.  If they put you in jail they lose a source of income and you become debt.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: DrDesmo on June 23, 2008, 10:15:31 AM
...Wreckless Driving...   

What, would they prefer you get into a wreck ?!?!  ;)

Good luck man ...


Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: rcpete on June 23, 2008, 10:49:33 AM
Hey Ryan

          Good luck on your hearing. Hopefully no jail time just fines. Its good to see you guys last Saturday. How was the test rides? We have to shoot some skeets soon.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: CountGreffi on June 23, 2008, 11:14:50 AM
Night night keep your butthole tight! Haha. Man make the beast with two backs it. You'll pay out your ass, just nothing is gonna go in. Not like you were smuggling 2 kilos of cocaine. It's a simple case of you got caught. You will now learn your lesson, and not pull that shit again.


Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Pakhan on June 23, 2008, 11:16:25 AM
Night night keep your butthole tight! Haha. Man make the beast with two backs it. You'll pay out your ass, just nothing is gonna go in. Not like you were smuggling 2 kilos of cocaine. It's a simple case of you got caught. You will now learn your lesson, and not pull that shit again.


You seem obsessed with anal  [cheeky]

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: goldenchild on June 23, 2008, 11:22:56 AM
You seem obsessed with anal  [cheeky]

shoot some skeet

Pete said skeet (http://www.crunkrockradio.com/images/skeet_wipes.jpg)  [laugh]

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Cru Jones on June 23, 2008, 11:40:17 AM
Pete said skeet  [laugh]

Glad I'm not the only one who found that funny.  ;D

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Pakhan on June 23, 2008, 11:42:22 AM
 [laugh] I didn't want to say it

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Got Duc on June 23, 2008, 02:12:01 PM
I got $20 for your commisary account!  ;D

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: CountGreffi on June 24, 2008, 07:06:33 AM
My friend who I worked with on the tugs used to be a Correctional Officer [leo] in Norfolk, VA. He's told me so many stories. You know when they rape you in prison they don't have lube, so they spread you open with spoons and jam it right in. I heard a story of a guard who was held hostage (obviously he was raped a few times) they brought him off in a stretcher when all was said and done tummy down. It's no joke that stuff. I just was commenting on that aspect of his fear of "jail time". I'm not obsessed with that stuff just was poking fun at it. No pun intended.


Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: STProcks on June 24, 2008, 07:21:40 PM
...It's no joke that stuff. I just was commenting on that aspect of his fear of "jail time". I'm not obsessed with that stuff just was poking fun at it. No pun intended....


Bro, why would you even mention that?  He's legitimately scared...

Ryan, man, I really wish this hadn't happened to you.  That would have been an awesome day to go out riding.  What some of these guys said about the PIP being a money making machine is no lie.  All I've got to say is, drop the money 'cause it ain't no thing.  Of course, try not to pay too much but being suspended in Jersey blows if you are taking a trip that includes Jersey soon after the court date. 

If you do end up being suspended there, it's not such a bad thing if you just get used to driving up the east side of the river.  The distance isn't really that different to Bear Mountain and the roads are in better shape - go figure, the crap road is the one that has more cops wtf?-

That said, just try to pay your way out of things and don't fear the jail time.  Even if you have a real bass turd judge, I really don't think that he'll give you jail time. 

I also may know someone down there that could help you out.  Definitely drop me a line if you get the chance.

Cheers bro, and good luck.  I hope that things go your way!

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: rgury on June 24, 2008, 08:56:19 PM
Jesus thanks man.  The reading of this thread has bothered me more each day it went on.  I rode the palisades below 55 last week while my friends took off into the distance, I learned the lesson.  Definitely going to get smarter with the po and throttle.

My lawyer has worked the court before, I'm gonna take the chances with him...  He's been straight throughout the entire thing. 

I ain't even going to even fly over that damn state after this.  Thanks ST, good looks with the referral. Let's get a ride in before the season ends...  I'll just be on the other side of the river.

I'll write back when it's all over.


Bro, why would you even mention that?  He's legitimately scared...

Ryan, man, I really wish this hadn't happened to you.  That would have been an awesome day to go out riding.  What some of these guys said about the PIP being a money making machine is no lie.  All I've got to say is, drop the money 'cause it ain't no thing.  Of course, try not to pay too much but being suspended in Jersey blows if you are taking a trip that includes Jersey soon after the court date. 

If you do end up being suspended there, it's not such a bad thing if you just get used to driving up the east side of the river.  The distance isn't really that different to Bear Mountain and the roads are in better shape - go figure, the crap road is the one that has more cops wtf?-

That said, just try to pay your way out of things and don't fear the jail time.  Even if you have a real bass turd judge, I really don't think that he'll give you jail time. 

I also may know someone down there that could help you out.  Definitely drop me a line if you get the chance.

Cheers bro, and good luck.  I hope that things go your way!

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Howie on June 25, 2008, 02:56:59 AM
No advice, that is what your lawyer is for.  I just want to wish you luck.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: GLantern on June 25, 2008, 06:11:37 AM
No advice, that is what your lawyer is for.  I just want to wish you luck.

I 2nd that best of luck

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: ducatiz on June 25, 2008, 06:24:07 AM
I ain't even going to even fly over that damn state after this.  Thanks ST, good looks with the referral. Let's get a ride in before the season ends...  I'll just be on the other side of the river.

you should definitely fly over NJ quite a bit and drop a deuce every time..

i am so sick of that shithole state.  if it wasn't for the NJ turnpike, i would never, ever go there.

I have 2 radar detectors on my car SOLELY so I can drive thru NJ.  once I got lit up going 69 (in a 65) and officer pulled me and said I was going 85.  Of course i took it to court, and he never showed up.  I asked the judge to give a statement and started to say the officer lied and the judge cut me off and said if I wanted to talk further, i would be in contempt of court.

It's as if someone took all the Brian Ws in the north east and dropped them in NJ -- quite a few landed in south NY too... on that damned Island.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: DrDesmo on June 25, 2008, 07:00:39 AM

It's as if someone took all the Brian Ws in the north east and dropped them in NJ -- quite a few landed in south NY too... on that damned Island.


But then again, the Bagels ... mmm

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: ducatiz on June 25, 2008, 07:37:09 AM

But then again, the Bagels ... mmm

now, i didn't mean everyone in NJ or in NYC was a Brian W, plenty of nice folks suffering there.......

H&H bagels..  it's the rat doodoo that makes it good!

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: rgury on July 17, 2008, 05:53:51 PM
600 bucks in fines.
No points.
5 Month suspension in Jersey.
Drove there, drove home.

Good stuff, my lawyer was the man.  Thanks for the support/advice to you all.

No more speeding on Palisades.

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: CDawg on July 18, 2008, 05:46:12 AM
Post up your lawyers contact info in case anyone else gets nails in NJ.  Thanks!
Glad it is all behind you [pun intended]  ;D


Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Pakhan on July 18, 2008, 06:26:25 AM
glad things worked out ok  [moto]

Title: Re: court date on 17th...
Post by: Got Duc on July 20, 2008, 08:19:15 AM
Glad it went well for you.

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