Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Riding Techniques => Topic started by: udiaz27 on February 15, 2012, 03:21:11 PM

Title: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: udiaz27 on February 15, 2012, 03:21:11 PM
So I've been doing wheelies for a couple weeks now, and I've found my balance point where I can hold it long enough to switch through the gears. However, I've been wondering why I can't clutch or power wheelie in 2nd, 3rd etc. gear. I ride a duc monster 1100 evo. I know it's not the Safest thing to do, but when the highway is empty I'd like to do some wheelies. Any ideas? It just sort of skids. Thanks.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: derby on February 15, 2012, 03:47:43 PM
practice practice practice...

my s4r would clutch up in third.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: avizpls on February 15, 2012, 03:51:59 PM
Weight shifts and timing. My 900 carbie would do it in 3rd @ 40mph.  gearing -1 front

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: wannabfast on February 15, 2012, 08:05:53 PM
slipper clutch? i know my 796 wont pull up unless it gets eased in with power stupid slipper clutch, same reason why i cant pop the clutch to start the bike

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: Preisker on February 15, 2012, 09:09:01 PM
That's not how a slipper clutch works, it only works on downshifts.   To keep the rear wheel from hopping.

If I beat my S4 hard enough in 3rd, it will loft the front.   2nd is no problem.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: Greg on February 16, 2012, 03:29:29 PM
So I've been doing wheelies for a couple weeks now, and I've found my balance point where I can hold it long enough to switch through the gears. However, I've been wondering why I can't clutch or power wheelie in 2nd, 3rd etc. gear. I ride a duc monster 1100 evo.

Your Evo should easily power wheelie in 2nd. Try short shifting from 1st to 2nd and then give it plenty of gas, and the front should lift easily.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: LA on February 16, 2012, 06:26:47 PM
practice practice practice...

my s4r would clutch up in third.


Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: SupraGuy74 on February 19, 2012, 06:34:08 PM
not going off topic, but how much snap or load can the chain, sprockets take? clutching it in 3rd wont hurt anything?

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: avizpls on February 20, 2012, 09:04:20 PM
Eh, increased wear, but don't expect an immediate catastrophic result.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: Preisker on February 21, 2012, 09:24:44 PM
It depends.   If you are using an EK $20 chain, I'd worry about it.   I'm using a DID ZVM and I have no qualms whatsoever.   It's got about 15,000 miles on it, and I have not adjusted it once.   5 rear tires, pull the axle, shove the wheel forward, pull the chain off to the side, and reinstall without touching the adjusters.   Still the same tension as new.   And I do a lot of wheelies.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: DonJuanDucati on February 22, 2012, 07:01:42 AM
Yeah, EK chains are horrible, mine stretched ridiculously every 1000 miles or so and eventually ate up my rear sprocket. Of course, I probably wouldn"t have as much trouble if I didn't ride full throttle everywhere.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: corey on February 25, 2012, 06:36:41 AM
slipper clutch? i know my 796 wont pull up unless it gets eased in with power stupid slipper clutch, same reason why i cant pop the clutch to start the bike

i can push-start my S2R800 with its slipper clutch just fine... user error? :P ;D

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: He Man on February 29, 2012, 09:32:02 PM
slipper clutches wont bump start well. most slipper clutches (race ones anyway) come with a special pin that you use to lock the slipper so u can start it using the rear tire.

as for wheelies, my 944 would try to flip itself in 2nd for sure. never tried 3rd.

my S2R1k will only wheelie in 2nd if i pump it.

im too afraid to drop it to hold it for any real distance. :P what technique do you use? i always want to hear more about people wheelieing 2v monsters!

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: kopfjÀger on February 29, 2012, 10:21:43 PM
The Adler Power Tourque Plate Clutch is not a slipper clutch.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: corey on March 01, 2012, 08:33:11 PM
The Adler Power Tourque Plate Clutch is not a slipper clutch.

A little more info:
http://www.sportrider.com/bikes/2004/146_04_ducati_aptc_clutch/index.html (http://www.sportrider.com/bikes/2004/146_04_ducati_aptc_clutch/index.html)

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: wannabfast on March 15, 2012, 08:01:36 PM
im too afraid to drop it to hold it for any real distance. :P what technique do you use? i always want to hear more about people wheelieing 2v monsters!
i usually close the throttle and crack it open quickly that gets it up nice and quick, but only in 1st gear... im too fat to do it in the other gears..

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: take risks on May 01, 2012, 08:29:32 PM
Dammit I went +1 on the front sprocket and cant power wheelie in first.
I didn't try with stock sprocket, but I know I lost some pow pow.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: SupraGuy74 on May 01, 2012, 10:16:28 PM
for some reason i can clutch my bike up it scares me i don't want to hurt the bike, mechanical wise not by falling lol. Any input i have no problem doing power wheelies, but thats only fun in first gear.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: Timmy Tucker on June 23, 2012, 06:46:48 PM
Have never been able to intentionally loft the front on my M750 in any gear, no matter how hard I try. I popped it up about 3-4 inches once, but it happened when I hit a bump WOT in 1st. I even switched to 14/43 today and still no dice.

Title: Re: Clutch wheelies pass 1st gear
Post by: zLoki on August 02, 2012, 08:39:34 AM
same reason why i cant pop the clutch to start the bike

Try second gear, works every time for me...  after enough speed of course

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