Title: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: Sac Monster on June 24, 2008, 09:54:16 AM Has anyone removed the canister on the 696? If so what are you doing with the plastic cover that gets left behind? We are thinking of getting a CF piece produced to replace it that would be symetrical instead of designed to hold the canister. Either that or remove the entire plastic piece and relocate the regulator.
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 07, 2008, 04:11:47 AM Bump...Can anyone do a little write up on this? I'm still wondering the same thing.
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: fLUNX on July 07, 2008, 06:00:54 AM can you post a picture of what you are talking about... (my englsih doesn´t go that far...)
regards, fLAVIO Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: moto on July 07, 2008, 09:52:26 AM w/cannister:
(http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00241.jpg) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00242.jpg) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC04575.jpg) w/o: (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00256.jpg) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC04626.jpg) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC04617.jpg) Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 07, 2008, 10:25:40 AM What is behind the mesh screen on the side opposite the canister, can that whole shroud be taken off?
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: moto on July 07, 2008, 11:16:02 AM What is behind the mesh screen on the side opposite the canister, can that whole shroud be taken off? Picture above is what it looks like with the cannister and shroud removed. A regulator is behind the screen. We have some symetric shrouds coming that are designed to work with out the cannister if you prefer to leave the shroud on. -M Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: Ducatiloo on July 07, 2008, 01:29:27 PM IMHO it looks better off. More naked [thumbsup]
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 08, 2008, 04:31:11 AM IMHO it looks better off. More naked [thumbsup] +1 Think I might try this tonight....Any tips on relocating the horn and regulator?Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: Sac Monster on July 08, 2008, 10:10:27 AM +1 Think I might try this tonight....Any tips on relocating the horn and regulator? The relocation was relatively easy. We moved the horn to a higher position and then used the horn mount to mount the regulator. We used a strip of aluminum similar to what the horn has to mount the regulator and keep it from shifting. Its something we may get made in the future but it is pretty easy to DIY it. We should have the euro shrouds coming in the next few weeks as well. Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 10, 2008, 03:59:59 AM I did it. This is really the first mod I've done, I had the mirrors/slip-ons installed at delivery. It feels really good to put in a few hours and a few beers, and end up with a bike that still runs, and looks better than it did when you started. Thanks for all the help guys
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3120/2654865373_5108a44c81_b.jpg) Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: cmorgan47 on July 10, 2008, 05:10:49 AM can you post some pics of what you did with the rectifier?
planning to do this soon. that shroud really bummed me out when i saw the US version up close. one of the things i've always loved about the monsters (and all naked ducatis) is how the engine just hangs out like the bike was entirely built around it. [edit] your bike is looking nice pretty sure i'll be losing the fairing as well Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 10, 2008, 06:35:38 AM I can post some pics after lunch. I'm not quite happy with the rectifier mount yet. It's mounted to the old horn plate, but there is a bit of a lip that restricts the rectifier from laying flat as it is tightened. I'm going to try and put a little shim in there or something to clean it up.
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: Sac Monster on July 10, 2008, 07:53:14 AM Looks good. I am really starting to like the dark 696. Now you just need some black rear sets.
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 10, 2008, 09:19:53 AM Here are some photos:
http://flickr.com/photos/27424259@N06/sets/72157606087575770/ (http://flickr.com/photos/27424259@N06/sets/72157606087575770/) By the way...the little 'L' bracket that is holding the horn is just from Lowe's, it didn't come on the bike. Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: cmorgan47 on July 10, 2008, 10:19:58 AM excellent, thanks.
i'll be doing this over the weekend... as far as the actual removal went, you just capped off where the hoses connect back to the engine? also, i think i remember reading that you were having trouble getting to one of these points, what happened there? [edit] nevermind on that last bit... found your other post. connecting the two was pretty much what i had in mind anyways. Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 10, 2008, 10:46:59 AM excellent, thanks. i'll be doing this over the weekend... as far as the actual removal went, you just capped off where the hoses connect back to the engine? also, i think i remember reading that you were having trouble getting to one of these points, what happened there? [edit] nevermind on that last bit... found your other post. connecting the two was pretty much what i had in mind anyways. Yup...I'm gunna be looking at the autoparts store for some nipple caps so I can remove the hose totally, but for now it works. BTW, neither of the hoses are long enough, so what I did was just use the little 'T' connector to hook the two together, and just put a little screw with some locktight into the third hole on the 'T' to seal it. Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: frank2287 on July 10, 2008, 01:58:27 PM i tried pulling it off but then there were some tubes that were dripping some sort of liquid!
What do i do those hoses? Just pull them off and call it a day? or what do i do? Thanks Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 11, 2008, 04:06:46 AM Liquid? Don't know about any liquid, only thing going through the emissions canister should be vapors. Maybe you're pulling the wrong hoses.
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: frank2287 on July 11, 2008, 04:14:47 AM ya that sounds about right.
its not like pooring out or anything there is just condensation around it so i though it might b something important. but once i take it off i plug the wholes and find another spot for the horn and im done. Right Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 11, 2008, 04:35:46 AM The horn and the regulator both have to be re attached, but yup, that's it. Good luck!
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: frank2287 on July 12, 2008, 06:46:24 AM ohh and do you feel any difference with the termi exhaust on ??(chip and intake)
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on July 13, 2008, 03:57:43 PM Couldn't say, I picked it up day one with the kit installed.
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: frank2287 on July 14, 2008, 05:25:28 AM is there any way to get the termi kit for cheaper?
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: DucatiTorrey on April 26, 2009, 08:31:30 AM i heard there was a euro version without the spot for the square canister. nkryptit mentioned it this week. im gonna look for it, i like the added shape underneats
is there any way to get the termi kit for cheaper? not really Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: Raux on April 26, 2009, 09:37:28 PM first, there are two types of hoses going to the charcoal canister. first is the vent hoses going into the intake plenums. they SUCK the fuel vapor out of the charcoal canister. you simply pull those off and plug them up. making sure there is no vacuum leak. second is the fuel vapor overflow from the tank. DO NOT PLUG this one off. there is a tutorial on the proper way to t spline this one with the fuel overflow tube.
for the side panel, moto wheels has the piece. they're a sponsor. Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: nkryptit on April 27, 2009, 04:51:22 AM i heard there was a euro version without the spot for the square canister. nkryptit mentioned it this week. im gonna look for it, i like the added shape underneats not really http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=8630.0 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=8630.0) Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: DucatiTorrey on April 27, 2009, 01:49:51 PM the larger hose coming from my canister seems to be lose. Heres what i mean.
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3599/3481453590_b791bcf586.jpg?v=0) (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3653/3480636883_ff7cf3e59d.jpg?v=0) (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3564/3480633767_c29e82ed05.jpg?v=0) is this right? i was planning on doing the delete or the euro version http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/Rauxeuroshroudmod.jpg (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/Rauxeuroshroudmod.jpg) but this is worrying me now. it runs fine? could this be correct? or is this supposed to be in the tank or something? The cut in the hose looks very "not factory" please help! Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: 1313 on April 27, 2009, 01:54:14 PM That hose is not attached to anything. It's just tucked into the engine.
Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: Raux on April 27, 2009, 01:58:02 PM that's the overflow/vent
the canister catches fuel vapor from the tank.. stores it in the charcoal... releases it to the intake plenum. any build up that the charcoal can't handle comes out that. when you follow the steps in the tutorials for removal, that all comes off. Title: Re: 696 Charcoal Canister Post by: DucatiTorrey on April 27, 2009, 05:47:38 PM phew! thanks guys, perfect! coming off this week. [thumbsup]