Title: Notte Italiana is Moving to Tuesday and to Scusi in St. Paul!!!!! Post by: Monstergirl on March 29, 2012, 01:57:13 PM Italian Night is Moving!!!!!!
Its moving nights and Restaurants. BIG CHANGES!!!! We will now be meeting at Scusi in St. Paul. http://scusistpaul.com/ (http://scusistpaul.com/) We are also moving to Tuesday!!!!!! Still 6:30-9pm And they have a patio. Title: Re: Notte Italiana is Moving to Tuesday and to Scusi in St. Paul!!!!! Post by: Monstergirl on March 29, 2012, 01:57:54 PM First meetup is next Tuesday!!!!!
Title: Re: Notte Italiana is Moving to Tuesday and to Scusi in St. Paul!!!!! Post by: Monstergirl on April 03, 2012, 03:18:40 AM Tonight is the First Italian Night at our new venue....Scusi in St. Paul. See you there!!!!
http://scusistpaul.com/ (http://scusistpaul.com/) Title: Re: Notte Italiana is Moving to Tuesday and to Scusi in St. Paul!!!!! Post by: Monstergirl on April 29, 2012, 02:08:24 PM Our Second Italian Night of the year is again happening at our new venue SCUSI in St. Paul. They have a wonderful Italian menu and great service. To view their menu in advance click this link http://www.scusistpaul.com/menu-dinner.html. (http://www.scusistpaul.com/menu-dinner.html.) Depending on the weather we will either be inside or outside. If it is sunny we will be outside. Scusi is working on curbside parking for motorcycles, but the restaurant does share a parking lot a 1/2 block away with another one of the Blue Plate restaurants, Groveland Tap. Remember if you are a supporting member you will receive 10% off of food and N/A beverages at Scusi. Supporting Memberships are $15.00 and can be obtained by paying me by check or cash. Reservations for Italian Night are preferred at this time so if you plan on attending please RSVP by following this link.
http://www.eventbrite.com/org/2129669055?ref=eorgbtn (http://www.eventbrite.com/org/2129669055?ref=eorgbtn) I hope to see some of you Tuesday night. Ciao! Monstergirl |