Title: Happy Easter!! Post by: dan_t on April 04, 2012, 11:06:25 PM I hope everyone has a great long weekend, stays safe & no-one get's harrassed by the boys in blue!
[Dolph] [Dolph] [Dolph] Title: Re: Happy Easter!! Post by: braando on April 05, 2012, 04:31:58 AM Have already, re-introduced myself today to KU booze patrol at exactly the same spot that they did me for noise Xmas time, soooooooo be vewwy vewwy careful
Title: Re: Happy Easter!! Post by: dragonworld. on April 05, 2012, 05:09:27 PM And a SAFE Easter to all!! [thumbsup]
Here in Vic bikes are being blitzed because they deem it is our sheer negligence that makes cars turn in front, pull out on us and run us off the road!! [roll] The wankers cant even get the % that speed (Is that exceeding the speed limit or excessive speed for the conditions?? They intentionally dont elaborate! "Dont let the facts ruin a good story"??) [bang] So watch yer arses, you are being targeted!! [leo] Oh, enjoy the weekend!! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: Happy Easter!! Post by: FIFO on April 06, 2012, 12:47:15 AM And a SAFE Easter to all!! [thumbsup] Here in Vic bikes are being blitzed because they deem it is our sheer negligence that makes cars turn in front, pull out on us and run us off the road!! [roll] The wankers cant even get the % that speed (Is that exceeding the speed limit or excessive speed for the conditions?? They intentionally don't elaborate! "Don't let the facts ruin a good story"??) [bang] So watch yer arses, you are being targeted!! [leo] Oh, enjoy the weekend!! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] I did see that on the news, In Vic the the exact words were they are (targeting Motorcycle Safety) [leo] So Dose that mean they are targeting all the unsafe cagers to make it safe on the road for motor cyclist's. [roll] [roll] Oh, And a happy Easter to all :-* :-* :-* Title: Re: Happy Easter!! Post by: Jukie on April 07, 2012, 08:20:59 PM Happy easter all. Sorry a bit late been working on the SHED :o :o :o