Title: Cool scooter scene Post by: uclabiker06 on April 05, 2012, 05:13:38 PM http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hmh-58ttgdQ#! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hmh-58ttgdQ#!)
Check out the modified scoot at 1:25 Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: derby on April 05, 2012, 05:26:06 PM from the thread title, i was totally expecting the opening scene from taxi:
taxi opening credits (french) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIWd4FB6CTg#) Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: uclabiker06 on April 05, 2012, 06:36:58 PM Okay you win, that was cooler.
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: IZ on April 05, 2012, 10:42:58 PM Nice and always like the classic Pizza delivery vid.
There's a big scooter scene here in Austin..especially with the Honda Rukus gangs. I'm seeing those a lot more now than any other scooters. Been wanting one for awhile myself. Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: Slide Panda on April 06, 2012, 04:35:16 AM New school kids... feh. Mix your own two-stroke is the only way to go!
I had a '64 Vespa GS - same model as Stings character in Quadrophenia - nothing like the classics. Around the DC metro area there was, might still be, a vintage scooter scene - though it probably moved north to Balto as DC got lame. There was aso a race set... yep people would take Vespas and Lambrettas tweak them and race at Summit Point in the late 90s early 2000. One insane mofo put down 135 in the straight, on a scoot. Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: derby on April 06, 2012, 05:41:33 AM There's a big scooter scene here in Austin..especially with the Honda Rukus gangs. I'm seeing those a lot more now than any other scooters. Been wanting one for awhile myself. [thumbsup] i'm already on the lookout for a ruckus... Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: klone on April 06, 2012, 09:32:54 AM My wife and I both had a Ruckus, it was awesome. It felt a little more "hooligan" than the other scooters around at the time. On the city streets it was awesome, I didn't even have to dodge pot holes. I added different bearings and other minor mods and I could barely hit 40mph. It was great for around town, although I never felt safe on it without any real power. Going uphill was a nightmare, going downhill was awesome. All in all, it was pure fun. If anyone wants a scooter to play around, the Ruckus is cool. When I had mine they had the 50cc version and a bigger brother version (150cc I think). I don't know if they still have the larger one, the smaller one is what I see the most around here. It was an attention getter (for a scooter).
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: bdfinally on April 06, 2012, 11:02:06 AM (http://fatphos.zenfolio.com/img/v8/p107820758-4.jpg) (http://fatphos.zenfolio.com/img/v8/p514451997-4.jpg) Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: derby on April 06, 2012, 01:49:44 PM My wife and I both had a Ruckus, it was awesome. It felt a little more "hooligan" than the other scooters around at the time. On the city streets it was awesome, I didn't even have to dodge pot holes. I added different bearings and other minor mods and I could barely hit 40mph. It was great for around town, although I never felt safe on it without any real power. Going uphill was a nightmare, going downhill was awesome. All in all, it was pure fun. If anyone wants a scooter to play around, the Ruckus is cool. When I had mine they had the 50cc version and a bigger brother version (150cc I think). I don't know if they still have the larger one, the smaller one is what I see the most around here. It was an attention getter (for a scooter). iirc, the "big ruckus" was 250cc. Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: IZ on April 06, 2012, 02:34:56 PM I'll take one of those!
50cc :/ Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: muskrat on April 06, 2012, 03:20:49 PM I've been searching for one for a while. They are pricey. My plan is to increase the displacement and convert it to a zombie killer like the one on Waco's craigslist a while back.
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: Pedro-bot on April 06, 2012, 04:17:47 PM STIG!!
8) Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: ab on April 06, 2012, 08:42:44 PM [thumbsup]
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: cokey on April 07, 2012, 05:53:19 AM Pretty cool..
I don't think I've ever seen that movie. Gotta find it now.. Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: Grampa on April 07, 2012, 06:38:14 AM Derbys new name is Larry Crowne.
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: ChrisH on April 07, 2012, 12:07:20 PM I have a motor swapped Ruckus & LOVE it. I've had mine for about 4 years now, bought it with the intention of modding it. My wife is now starting to get the itch for a modded Ruckus. Tons of fun. Scooters provide a different sort of 2 wheeled fun that most American riders never experience because of the perception they have of scooters.
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: ute on April 07, 2012, 04:55:05 PM Heres my spree
(http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b343/uterep/Spree/SSPX0299.jpg) (http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b343/uterep/Spree/100_2447.jpg) And here is a buddys spree ..homage to a 749 (http://www.motorcyclesymmetry.com/images/projects/spree/finished/mockup.jpg) (http://www.motorcyclesymmetry.com/images/projects/spree/dev/side.jpg) Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: NorDog on April 07, 2012, 05:16:14 PM Derby, loved the pizza delivery scooter vid!
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: uclabiker06 on April 10, 2012, 01:40:26 PM Loved that carbon fiber one, sooo cute/cool. So that clip is from a movie or a show?
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: Düb Lüv on April 10, 2012, 05:49:54 PM at first i was against scooters and mopeds, but i think i'm starting to come around. i keep debating on picking up a ruckus another shop owner has for cheap for work transportation. i really like the puch magnum since it resembles motorcycle.
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: kopfjäger on April 10, 2012, 06:06:19 PM scooter dragster course Italie 2 fast malossi mhr team pro r (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgNCCgR6eVI&feature=youtube_gdata_player#)
Title: Re: Cool scooter scene Post by: 696DCRider on April 11, 2012, 06:30:05 AM Here's a pic of my brother's Ruckus:
(http://i.imgur.com/YGgnP.jpg) It's definitely a head turner and fun. I wish it had a bigger engine though. I may inherit it from him soon since he doesn't have a place to store it anymore. |