Title: 2004 M800 Low Fuel Indicator Staying On Post by: monstermike on May 07, 2012, 09:34:45 AM I have a 2004 M800 and it seems my low fuel light indicator sensor went on the fritz after being stored for the winter. Even with a full tank the fuel indicator comes on and stays on. Sometimes it shuts off for awhile then comes back on. it's very intermittent. Read that the sensor may be stuck open. How can I check this? Can I take the sensor out and clean it or best to just put in a new one. Thanks
Mike Title: Re: 2004 M800 Low Fuel Indicator Staying On Post by: Slide Panda on May 07, 2012, 09:42:40 AM Does the bike work fine other wise?
If yes... why bother. the light on my 900 has been like that for years now. I just zero the trip meter at a fill up and go fourth to ride it... and this is coming from someone who's known to be a bid OCD about his Monster Title: Re: 2004 M800 Low Fuel Indicator Staying On Post by: Howie on May 07, 2012, 10:59:05 AM Checking it is easy, disconnect the connector on the bottom of the tank, turn key on. The light is off, bad sensor. Since this happened over the winter, why not run through a few tanks of fuel and see if it gets better?
You should use the trip meter anyway, like Slide Panda suggests. Never trust that light. |