Title: Problems starting and erratic idle, advice and help much appreciated Post by: Wildfire on May 09, 2012, 03:25:56 PM So I have managed to change the belts and a friend (who is a very good bike mechanic) has stripped and rebuilt the carbs, balanced them and set up the floats, but I've still got problems with the engine.
To get the bike to start, you need to pull full choke, hit the starter, then open the the throttle to catch the engine. If you don't catch it first time, then that's it, the bike won't start for about an hour. Once started the bike struggles to idle, whilst cold. Once warm the idle is sometime very high and other times it drops and the bike almost stalls. It never seems to stabilise. My friend says that if it were a Suzuki, then he would suspect an air leak, but there doesn't seem to be one. Any ideas? I'm new to V Twins and bikes in general any help would be much appreciated. Title: Re: Problems starting and erratic idle, advice and help much appreciated Post by: monsta on May 09, 2012, 08:33:56 PM was it running ok before the belt/carb work?
maybe check timing marks again for the cams... Title: Re: Problems starting and erratic idle, advice and help much appreciated Post by: WTSDS on May 09, 2012, 08:44:35 PM Tried a new pair of plugs ?