Title: Copper Based Grease on the Back of Brake Pads... Yes or No? Post by: The ModFather on May 20, 2012, 06:31:03 AM This seems to be a highly debated topic. Haynes manual recommends it. Some folks say go Silicone based instead, some folks say dont put any grease [bacon] anywhere near the pads as it will melt on to the pads and you'll lose you're brakes. Whats the take here among my Monster Bretheren? BTW this is on a Monster 620.
Title: Re: Copper Based Grease on the Back of Brake Pads... Yes or No? Post by: ducpainter on May 20, 2012, 06:32:59 AM I don't use any.
Title: Re: Copper Based Grease on the Back of Brake Pads... Yes or No? Post by: sofadriver on May 20, 2012, 07:40:01 AM ducati knows a little bit about building motorcycles and they don't use any grease.
gease and brakes don't seem like a good combination Title: Re: Copper Based Grease on the Back of Brake Pads... Yes or No? Post by: Howie on May 20, 2012, 11:15:34 AM Use it if you want, just a little where the piston hits the pad and maybe a teeny dab in each corner where the pad touches the caliper. It won't hurt. Like DP, I don't
Title: Re: Copper Based Grease on the Back of Brake Pads... Yes or No? Post by: DarkStaR on May 22, 2012, 10:08:21 PM I use some sort of gunk when I do brakes, not because I think it needs it, but because if it does, i don't want to do it again. :-\