Title: Whine Post by: scduc on June 25, 2008, 02:55:35 PM So yesterday after my ride home, I go to shut -er down, and just as the motor stops, I hear this little high piched whine. Kinda like air but also kinda like something is tight. Any one else hear this on your bike? S2R 1K with 1k miles. Also, that morning I tried the "hard brake" to clear the brake squeel and forgot to pull the clutch and killed the engine. Made a pretty good clunkity-clunk noise. Stared right up and has been running fine. No loss of power.
Title: Re: Whine Post by: Speeddog on June 25, 2008, 03:53:46 PM Sometimes the gas caps will 'whine' a bit as they release vapor.
I've heard a similar noise from the charcoal canisters too. It will definitely clunk if you kill the engine that way. Title: Re: Whine Post by: CairnsDuc on June 25, 2008, 04:49:18 PM Yep, most likely the Gas cap, on a really hot day (After a long ride) mine makes a very loud squeal that can be heard inside the house (With the bike in the Garage)
Title: Re: Whine Post by: clubhousemotorsports on June 25, 2008, 04:51:49 PM If you are concerned check your belt tensioner bearings to be sure they are not failing, these will have a whine when too tight.
also pressure plate bearing that is failing will whine too. s2r1000 tensioner bearings were prone to fail at the origional factory spec of 140hz. I have seen a paul smart eat its bearings before 600 miles Title: Re: Whine Post by: Bill in OKC on June 25, 2008, 11:23:14 PM Do you have a TPO/K&N crankcase breather kit installed? If so then you might be hearing crankcase pressure equalizing through the reed valve after the engine is shut off. The stock setup will muffle the sound.
Title: Re: Whine Post by: NAKID on June 26, 2008, 12:13:26 AM I get the same thing for about 24 hours after I ride my bike. Periodically, the bike will just "whine" every 10 mins or so...
Title: Re: Whine Post by: hypurone on June 26, 2008, 06:45:04 AM I get some whine every time I get home after being gone all day riding!! [roll]
Oh wait, you're not talking about that kind of whine... [laugh] [laugh] |