Title: fitting a sargent seat on S2R Post by: slash on June 25, 2008, 04:19:52 PM I posted this here because I thought more people would see it here than in Accessorys and Mods. I just got a Sargent seat for my '06 S2R1000 (WS514). It doesn't fit quite as well as the stock seat. Anybody have one for their S2R? I had to remove the rubber pads on the seat pan to get it go on the bike at all. It seems to sit a little high on the tank and there is a little up-down play in the front of the seat. Any advice?
Title: Re: fitting a sargent seat on S2R Post by: Speeddog on June 25, 2008, 04:38:20 PM Some folks have had to shim the latch to get a good fit.
A couple of washers should let you put the pads back on and still get a good fit. Title: Re: fitting a sargent seat on S2R Post by: booger on June 25, 2008, 07:39:56 PM I got the DP gel seat and had to use a couple of washers underneath the latch around the latch bolts to get the seat to fit properly. Ain't no thing but a chicken wing.
Title: Re: fitting a sargent seat on S2R Post by: slash on June 26, 2008, 03:22:19 AM It's weird because I put a Sargent seat on an '04 m620 (my first ducati) and the fit was perfect. With this seat on an S2R1000 the rubber pads raise the seat so high it won't even latch, and the sides don't fit the tank cut outs for the seat perfectly.
Title: Re: fitting a sargent seat on S2R Post by: aaronb on June 26, 2008, 10:06:33 AM I just trimmed the rubber pads with a box cutter on mine, fits ok now.
Title: Re: fitting a sargent seat on S2R Post by: scooby on June 26, 2008, 10:14:18 AM In my experience, almost nothing after market goes on w/o some kind of "adjustment"; maybe that's why we call it modding... [laugh]
Title: Re: fitting a sargent seat on S2R Post by: scoprire on June 29, 2008, 04:08:41 AM NOt on an S2R, but I had to shim the latch on my M800 to get the fit right. From post on TOB, that seems to be required for the majority.