Title: Quick Tire Question - 1999 M750 Post by: the_Journeyman on June 04, 2012, 05:58:27 PM Yes, I read the tire rankings thread.
Looking at tire options again. I've had great service from my ContiMotions, but not great mileage. I would like to try Pirelli Angels (LOVED them on my 900SS) but unsure if they're a good fit on the Monster. Stock, the Monster is 120/60 front (I run 120/70 and it's great) and 160/60 rear. Angels don't seem to be available in a 160 width. There is a 120/70 + 170/60 package available through CompAcc for a decent price. Which is driving my question. My riding style is abusive to tires with the non-adjustable Marzoochis up front and the ancient rear shock out back. Not to mention I live in the NC mountains with roads that beg me to ride hard. Cliff notes: 120/70 + 170/60 a good/possible combination on 1999 M750 with really (Moose ATV Bars) wide bars? Turn in speed is quite quick with 120/70 and 160/60 currently. I also destroy the ContiMotions in short order (great feel & grip though, low mileage) currently. Thanks! JM Title: Re: Quick Tire Question - 1999 M750 Post by: the_Journeyman on June 05, 2012, 02:46:43 PM No input? Rubbing? Horrible handling? Anything?
JM Title: Re: Quick Tire Question - 1999 M750 Post by: ducpainter on June 05, 2012, 03:22:55 PM No input? Rubbing? Horrible handling? Anything? My 900 had a 170 OEM on a 5.5" rim.JM I don't think you'll have an issue with a 170 on the 4.5" rim. The handling will be very slightly slower...if that particular tire is actually different than the 160's you're used to. I know on an SS the hugger will rub on the top of the tire if a 5.5" rim and a 180 tire is fitted. I say go for it if the price is right. Title: Re: Quick Tire Question - 1999 M750 Post by: Speeddog on June 05, 2012, 04:25:34 PM I'm running 120/70 and 160/60 Pirelli Angels on my '98 M750 commuter.
I'd say there's adequate chain clearance for a 170, ~7/16" with my 160. They work great., I've got ~3000miles on 'em since late April. Can't really vouch for 'em in the wet, we get very little rain here. Title: Re: Quick Tire Question - 1999 M750 Post by: the_Journeyman on June 05, 2012, 04:29:20 PM I'll give it a shot then. I've only had a hugger for a couple years so if I have to take it off, I'll deal with the extra cleaning. With the wide bars, the turn in is really fast, so a little slow down won't hurt one bit.
Thanks dp, I can always count on you!! Speed dog - I've just got to find the Angels in 160 then! I KNOW they work fine in the wet, I flogged my 900SS in all conditions with no trouble, even had a couple days of wet snow on them too and they were quite predictable. JM Title: Re: Quick Tire Question - 1999 M750 Post by: Speeddog on June 05, 2012, 04:34:49 PM I got my 160 from Cycle Gear here in SoCal.
Whether that helps at all.... |