Title: Loud clutch s4r Post by: Eldon on June 08, 2012, 01:19:28 PM I have a 2007 s4r with 20 k miles on it the clutch is loud. I took the cover off and measured the play between the basket and the plates and it is 2.5-3 mm of play. Also the basket has groves in it. I know it needs a basket any harm riding the bike.
Thanks Title: Re: Loud clutch s4r Post by: koko64 on June 08, 2012, 03:40:49 PM The plates are worn, thats a large gap. Spec in manual says 0.6mm. No wonder its so loud. Grooves in the basket are often the sign for replacement. Being a simple design you would be amazed how trashed out the dry clutches can get and still operate ok.
With enough wear you get rough engagement and clutch feel, and dragging and/or slipping depending what components are worn. Title: Re: Loud clutch s4r Post by: Eldon on June 08, 2012, 03:45:42 PM Seems to operate ok just loud