Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => MCM => Topic started by: hillbillypolack on June 08, 2012, 07:27:35 PM

Title: Local M900 owner needs tuner / tech to sort bike
Post by: hillbillypolack on June 08, 2012, 07:27:35 PM
I've been asking this question in a few other places, but wanted to see if anyone in the SE MI area knows where I could take an M900 needing final 'sorting'.

The Monster is now wearing FCRs, as well as an Ignitech system.  I'd like someone familiar with FCR tuning (and possibly dyno access) to sort out the engine so I can get it roadworthy.  Ultimately I will be doing more to it, but have my hands full with family (long story) at the moment.

Please PM or email me, this bike and I go way back and I'd like to get it done properly.

Title: Re: Local M900 owner needs tuner / tech to sort bike
Post by: roggie on July 22, 2012, 05:22:38 AM
I'm probably a bit late responding and you may know better than I. But does TT out in Mt Clemens do any tuning along with being a dealer?

My experience with bikes is very limited so that's all I know to suggest.

Good luck.

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