Title: Life is a roller coaster...and HI Post by: DarkDucati on May 06, 2008, 08:25:12 PM First off, hello to all and thanks to the creators/founders for this new site.
Crazy days...first I get to demo ride an 848 and an sport 1000 one day, then the DML goes KABLOOY. I was more a reader than a poster before, so maybe this is a fresh start in more ways than one. Anyhow, hope this site turns out to be what the DML was, and I'll do what I can to contribute. My current ride is an S2R 800 dark 2006, full Zard exhaust, many other little mods, etc. etc. Also a Triumph cruiser (well my better half does), and a CB350 Four. I'm in the faaar East Bay area but commute to SF daily. Scotch in hand, a new forum to check out...things are looking up. wt: Brian ...and I've been riding since 2005. Title: Re: Life is a roller coaster...and HI Post by: ♣ McKraut ♣ on May 06, 2008, 08:47:06 PM i thought life was a highway....wtf?
nice ride, btw |