Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: Capt baz on June 26, 2008, 07:36:01 AM

Title: happened onto my last post on TOB......& had to laugh
Post by: Capt baz on June 26, 2008, 07:36:01 AM
Capt baz
Senior Member


Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 397   where is danny craig when "they" need him


like bees returning to where the hive was, i can't seem to let it go. i have made 2 replys to what seem to be negative threads, after being away for a week with no dml contact, expressing my disapointment. i have read most of the negative ones, and can only band wagon with them. This site was a daily thing since i discovered it 3 years ago. i hope someone discovers something that we can all jump to & replace what is gone. i can only hope that danny craig will make a grand entrance very soon.

jonesing in the nutmeg state,

Capt baz
'54 irish chick(freckled)<br />'69 rokon trailbreaker (2x2)<br />'70 H-D xlch (history)<br />'84 H-D xr1000 (history)<br />'02 f-250 (4x4)&nbsp; <br />'04 bmw X3<br />&quot;it will not go in deeper than it is long&quot;

Last edited by Capt baz : 05-11-2008 at 01:43 AM. 

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