Title: WSBK Aragon...doh...Spoilers Post by: ducpainter on July 02, 2012, 01:54:18 AM No one watched?
Checa lucked in to a podium in race one behind Biaggi and Melandri. Race 2 was great with a 3 way, then 4 way battle once Chaz Davies made it to the party. Melandri, Laverty, Davies...with Max right there. Title: Re: WSBK Aragon Post by: bdfinally on July 02, 2012, 03:52:29 AM Race 2 was da shitz. Great to see Davies up there mixing it up.
As to why no one watched I don't think Race 2 has even been broadcast on Speed yet and I know R4M had an issue yesterday morning. Speed's moto coverage is really hit or miss this year. I may drop them again. Title: Re: WSBK Aragon Post by: ducpainter on July 02, 2012, 04:00:25 AM Race 2 was da shitz. Great to see Davies up there mixing it up. Speed? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]As to why no one watched I don't think Race 2 has even been broadcast on Speed yet and I know R4M had an issue yesterday morning. Speed's moto coverage is really hit or miss this year. I may drop them again. The R4M issue was resolved early yesterday. People just didn't know because the only clue was on FB. [roll] The capper didn't upload until late. Yeah race 2 was really exciting. [thumbsup] Title: Re: WSBK Aragon Post by: gm2 on July 02, 2012, 06:18:41 AM you, uh, might want to update the title of this thread...
:) Title: Re: WSBK Aragon Post by: ducpainter on July 02, 2012, 06:28:23 AM you, uh, might want to update the title of this thread... :-*:) Title: Re: WSBK Aragon Post by: danaid on July 02, 2012, 08:39:35 AM Race 2 was da shitz. Great to see Davies up there mixing it up. As to why no one watched I don't think Race 2 has even been broadcast on Speed yet and I know R4M had an issue yesterday morning. Speed's moto coverage is really hit or miss this year. I may drop them again. Yea, so tired of speed, they have been better than years past. Race 2 airs Tuesday. They showed something like " stupidest tricks caught on film" crap, [roll]. instead of race 2. Title: Re: WSBK Aragon...doh...Spoilers Post by: fastwin on July 02, 2012, 08:48:40 AM Been busy. Read the results on Cycle News but haven't had time to watch the races I taped. Looking forward to it... maybe tonight. Max is doing quite well!! [thumbsup] [Dolph]
Title: Re: WSBK Aragon...doh...Spoilers Post by: Privateer on July 04, 2012, 04:14:28 PM what happened in the beginning of race one with Smrz?
Title: Re: WSBK Aragon...doh...Spoilers Post by: brix821 on July 04, 2012, 04:29:51 PM how about sofoglu and Foret? that was a crazy move. I was hoping for the black flag
Title: Re: WSBK Aragon...doh...Spoilers Post by: ducpainter on July 05, 2012, 03:56:15 AM what happened in the beginning of race one with Smrz? I think he got caught up with Rea.Title: Re: WSBK Aragon...doh...Spoilers Post by: Triple J on July 05, 2012, 07:18:22 AM Race 2!! [bow_down] [bow_down]
Go Chaz!! [thumbsup] Title: Re: WSBK Aragon...doh...Spoilers Post by: ZLTFUL on July 05, 2012, 05:44:07 PM how about sofoglu and Foret? that was a crazy move. I was hoping for the black flag I agree. Headbutting your opponent should be reserved for parc ferme not 290kph on the back straight. |