Title: carefull on review ave Post by: cokey on July 12, 2012, 06:31:08 PM Review ave right off greenpoint, vandamn turns into review, its a long stretch.. some of you guys prob know it.. its a pretty dark street. Heading home from work on my bicycle around 915 I hear 2 bikes coming up behind me.. a truck is backing into a bay with no working lights on the left side.. guy on a new buell noticed it to late and laid it down. Skid about 50-70 ft before slamming into it..
so watch out running through here at night.. His bike is done for.. all you saw was belt off, back seat frame spread open, swing arm ripped off.. guy only had a helmet and gloves but faired pretty well considering. Road rash spring bruised up knee.. his face plate was ripped off with scratches around forehead are on helmet.. I stood with him till ambulance arrived.. his boy went ahead to go pick up a truck after helping him to the sidewalk.. he refused to ride in the bus, no insurance, but was heading to hospital when his buddy returned.. Title: Re: carefull on review ave Post by: He Man on July 13, 2012, 09:31:40 AM That sucks man. no insurance on a buell? its not like its expensive insure a buell for liability. [roll]
hope he is alright though. Title: Re: carefull on review ave Post by: cokey on July 13, 2012, 12:36:09 PM Sorry, no medical insurance.