Title: 2013 WSBK Tires!!! Post by: Raux on July 16, 2012, 01:42:12 PM http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/world-superbike-20132015-tire-supplier/ (http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/world-superbike-20132015-tire-supplier/)
Ducati better hope Bridgestone doesn't win the bid [laugh] or the 1199 is in for troubles Title: Re: 2013 WSBK Tires!!! Post by: gm2 on July 16, 2012, 02:19:58 PM so then wtf was all that testing of the 17 inchers about?
Title: Re: 2013 WSBK Tires!!! Post by: Speeddog on July 16, 2012, 03:19:02 PM That, and ~1 year ago, Pirelli signed a contract to supply through 2015.
http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/pirelli-world-superbike-tire-supplier-2015/ (http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/pirelli-world-superbike-tire-supplier-2015/) Title: Re: 2013 WSBK Tires!!! Post by: gm2 on July 16, 2012, 03:24:12 PM That, and ~1 year ago, Pirelli signed a contract to supply through 2015. http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/pirelli-world-superbike-tire-supplier-2015/ (http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/pirelli-world-superbike-tire-supplier-2015/) [laugh] oh. Title: Re: 2013 WSBK Tires!!! - Post by: Raux on July 16, 2012, 06:24:18 PM I'm an idiot, I didnt read the datelines.