Title: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: sebastienb on July 18, 2012, 12:33:27 PM Hey guys, know any cool roads to take the monster for a nice ride ? Getting tired of just riding on i95
Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: duccarlos on September 20, 2012, 12:34:17 PM Sorry dude, apparently this board is as barren as twisties in SoFL. Homestead for a trackday would be my suggestion. The road around the ft. Lauderdale airport is not bad, but be careful with cops.
Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: jaxduc on September 20, 2012, 12:39:33 PM florida = long, straight, boring, and slow roads. unless you are on the interstate... Then they are just long, straight, and boring.
Although i suspect it would be fun to ride to key west. Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: duccarlos on September 20, 2012, 12:50:07 PM I've gone to the keys, much of the same I fear. really, track days in Homestead, Morosso and Jennings are probably your best bet.
Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: Latinbalar on October 29, 2012, 11:24:57 AM I have a few tight corners around my house @ I-595 but unless you live close it isn't worth it.
Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: sebastienb on November 04, 2012, 04:08:38 PM Just moved back to hollywood and i'm enjoying the circles near i-95 on Hollywood Blvd
Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: sebastienb on July 11, 2013, 04:43:15 AM I have a few tight corners around my house @ I-595 but unless you live close it isn't worth it. is it the 441 figure 8 ?Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: DarkMonster620 on July 11, 2013, 05:09:10 AM Used to go the I-95/826 junction and go up and down and just repeat a few times . . . Around Sawgrass Mall a few Industrial streets but could be dirty . . . everything else, booooooooooooooooooring
Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: Latinbalar on September 22, 2013, 06:02:31 PM I have a loop I ride around my house. Go behind Ikea on I595 then turn left in front of the Harley Davidson dealer. Turn right on to 84 then hit the U turn really really fast. Then go over the bridge and hit the hair pin on your right. Normally Im home so if you want to continue keep going till the road ends turn right then left at the light and after the round about there are some nice sweepers. Good luck. And post up if you have a few curves by you.
Title: Re: Twisties in or near Miami ? Post by: sandromxp on June 18, 2020, 08:18:18 PM Hi I just moved to sunrise from New Jersey. I picked up a S2R 800 and would love to find some roads around here that are decent. Also if anyone would like to ride. I’m close to the sawgrass mall.
Sandro |