Title: As promised - The Futa and Raticosa Passes Post by: glbrto on September 03, 2012, 10:10:21 PM On my way back from Corsica, I decided to cross the Apennines via the Futa and Raticosa passes. I was really looking forward to the Futa Pass, too, but was a bit disappointed as it didn't really offer anything that different to your typical mountain road (~900 meters). I might have been jaded though having just done half of Corsica, where the roads are pretty spectacular.
The video below, is of the latter and more exciting, Raticosa Pass. RIDE// Raticosa Pass (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx_U_SiU4YA#) I was going to do my typical write up on the roads and drive but as I did more research on the area, I learned about the Gothic Line. So if there are any history/war buffs out there, click the link below to read my summary on the historical significance of the area, where the passes are located. Your feedback is always welcome :) http://narrowlanes.net/2012/09/04/breaching-the-gothic-line/ (http://narrowlanes.net/2012/09/04/breaching-the-gothic-line/) |