Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: supertjeduc on September 06, 2012, 06:22:14 AM

Title: how to wash your monster
Post by: supertjeduc on September 06, 2012, 06:22:14 AM

3.  Images. 

     3.1  Members shall not post images or links containing, nudity, partial nudity, sexual acts, or depiction thereof.  This includes pictures for purely sexual purposes.  This isn't a frat house, and the board needs to be work-appropriate.  As a simple example,  the DMF should be able to be up on a screen in anyone's office and not get them in trouble for anything other than wasting time.  Pictures of clothed spouses or significant others are ok.  If questionable, images should be linked and not directly visible in a thread. This link, and if possible the thread title, should carry a warning that such material may be NWS = "Not Work Safe".  Links will be deleted if determined to be inappropriate by the moderators.

You must have missed that part of the rules...eh?

Any questions feel free to pm me.

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