Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => General Monster Forum => Topic started by: memper on October 05, 2012, 07:18:47 PM

Title: Sales advice
Post by: memper on October 05, 2012, 07:18:47 PM
Heya folks, I want to sell my FBF carbon high mount slip ons. They retailed for almost $900. Theres probably 8k-10k miles on them. Still sound perfect and are in very good condition aside from small scratches on one which are shallow enough that they could probably be buffed out.
I am in need of generating capital for FCR 39's so I'd obviously like to make good on them but I also dont want to price too high and come off as a douche.
Any advice on a good price range?


Title: Re: Sales advice
Post by: muskrat on October 05, 2012, 07:48:13 PM
400 in good shape. 

Title: Re: Sales advice
Post by: Kev M on October 06, 2012, 12:03:39 AM
My rule of thumb for used accessories is 1/2 original MSRP then correct for condition and market.

Title: Re: Sales advice
Post by: memper on October 06, 2012, 12:14:30 AM

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