Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: bob795 on October 26, 2012, 05:51:30 PM

Title: Love my new rizoma bar
Post by: bob795 on October 26, 2012, 05:51:30 PM
Hi guys,

I just installed a Rizoma handlebar on my monster, the one with part # ma001. Prior to this purchase I thought about getting a rox riser, but then one local shop called me and told me they just took delivery of parts and have the rizoma bars I want. So I decided just to go ahead with the rizoma bar.

It was like a gamble cause I can not "try it before I buy it", but I figure I can always sell it later if I don't like it. I went through 3 handlebars on my sportster before I find the right one, so if the second bar on my monster is not the right one, well that's okay ;D

Installation was done at the shop and I use all the stock cables. BTW, my 795 monster comes with 60 mm riser and I was concerned that the cables won't be long enough with the addition of rizoma's 20 mm height... a total of 80mm height... turns out they're long enough. I have to reroute the throttle cable though. It doesn't go under the triple tree, but directly from the steering head to the hand control. My other option was to adjust the lock to lock travel/distance (?) but I didn't want to to change that so the throttle cable is rerouted.

My impression on this bar is I love this bar. It is higher than stock bar, I about 2 cm higher and has more pull back (?)... but it's narrower. Riding position is more upright and more relax, cause I can reach the bar without having to lean forward a lot and still with elbows bent. I'm 177 cm tall and don't have reach problem with the stock bar, but this rizoma makes reaching the bar easier and it's better than stock.

Leaving the shop to ride home, I find that the bike is heavier to steer. For a second I thought I had a flat tire, that I stopped and checked the front tire to see if had flat tire cause the bike steer heavier. Then I remember that I just changed the handlebar and thought that maybe it's the handlebar that cause the heavy feeling. Perhaps it's because I'm not used to it, but it's definitely heavier.
Riding position is much more relax and comfortable. I still lean forward, but I'm leaning forward less than before. During one hour plus ride home, lane splitting through heavy congested traffic, I find that I'm more relax and feel more comfortable.

I think I can ride for hours on this bike without feeling tired at all, which is the goal I'm after. I'm setting up this bike for long rides. With DP comfort touring seat and this bar, I think now I'm set  ;D

Title: Re: Love my new rizoma bar
Post by: Heath on October 26, 2012, 09:44:16 PM
Pics or it didn't happen.   ;D

Title: Re: Love my new rizoma bar
Post by: surgfish on January 14, 2013, 05:55:57 PM
I have a Monster 795 as well. I live in the Philippines so getting Rizoma parts takes time.  I got a 29-22mm Rizoma handlebar (MA008) with 140mm height, then it turns out it won't fit the stock handlebar holders, so I ordered a Rizoma handlebar adapter (AZ403B) with 60mm height.  The handlebars feel great but since the bars are much higher, the controls controls hit the tank when you steer, so the technician had to adjust the stoppers and turning radius is narrower.  Another thing is the throttle cable became too short, I need an inch longer throttle cable to which I still dont know where to get them.  In the meantime, I made adjustments and the throttle cable is sticking outside the fork like a sore thumb.  ANy suggestions?

Title: Re: Love my new rizoma bar
Post by: bob795 on January 14, 2013, 07:41:27 PM
Surgfish, I also do the same with my throttle cable. I rerouted the cable, it doesn't go through the fork but it goes behind the fork directly to the throttle body.

As for getting parts, I suggest you try any of the sponsors here. I recommend Monsterparts. Contact Jeff and ask if he has throttle cable in stock.

Or, if you want to do it, you can buy whatever throttle cable available there where you live, and modify it to make it work with your monster.  Years ago, I used throttle cable from a vespa, when my sportster cable snapped.

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