Ducati gods forgive me.. but you bastards sent us hurricane Sandy.. and through a series of unpleasent and unfortunate events,
I had to put regular octane gas in my ducati monster 2009. (gas lines and shortages in NY/NJ/PA)
Guys, i know this is probably a super noob question..
Are there any real problems with running ONE TANK of regular gas in my ducati? any feedback appreciated. should I put in an additive? chevron techron, stabil? or just leave it? thanks.
Barring contaminated gas, you are more likely to have problems with high octane fuel than you are with regular (87) fuel, unless of course you have swapped in a high compression kit.
Lots of debate on the subject if you feel like doing a search.
I wouldn't see any problem with running what is available in the situation you are in, I'd be conservative on the throttle and listen for detonation/pinging. My own personal view on octane boosters is not to use them but again in the situation you are in, if you get pinging throw the right amount in until you can get topped off with some good fuel- the same goes with any type of fuel dryer. I've had to do this on my R-1 and had no problems but until I got some good fuel I was very cautious with how I treated the throttle. just my .25 cents of opinion.
87 gets bad gas mileage. thats about it. i have an 1100 motor (single spark EVO) it will run 87 no problem. but i get noticeably reduced MPG.
87 is all I run in my 09 m1100s. I've had no problems and my mileage hasn't suffered.
if 87 is all you run how do you know 89 isnt better? ;)
Quote from: He Man on November 02, 2012, 12:29:11 PM
if 87 is all you run how do you know 89 isnt better? ;)
I ran 89 the first year I had it. Then switched the next year.
Thanks guys. I always ran 93 or whatever was the high grade I could find. Whats interesting, maybe its just a coincidence, this is the first time my 1100 starts with just one push of the starter button? odd. Anyways, im happy!
Remember, Octane is RESISTANCE to detonation. The lower the octane the more easily the fuel burns. Not the other way around. People often think higher octane means better fuel but this is simply NOT true. Run the lowest octane that you can without pre-detonation. High octane on low compression is just spitting raw fuel out the tailpipe.
Quote from: polivo on November 02, 2012, 01:34:45 PM
Thanks guys. I always ran 93 or whatever was the high grade I could find. Whats interesting, maybe its just a coincidence, this is the first time my 1100 starts with just one push of the starter button? odd. Anyways, im happy!
Not odd or coincidence at all.
The chemicals added to higher octane fuel that improve octane don't burn as easily as gas.
Less additives= easier ignition.
Your bike is trying to tell you something.-
good to hear. Im going to run another tank of regular to see if the pattern continues. Atleast I now know, im not doing any harm. Thanks.
Ive owned my monster for 3 years. It has NEVER started on the first try on 5 seperate occassions. Could it be that the issue all along was teh wrong gas??
Quote from: polivo on November 05, 2012, 02:11:14 PM
Ive owned my monster for 3 years. It has NEVER started on the first try on 5 seperate occassions. Could it be that the issue all along was teh wrong gas??
The owner's manual for my 2012 Monster 1100 EVO states the following: WARNING (USA Version) Use low-lead fuel with a minimum octane rating of 90 (RON+MON)/2.