Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: bob795 on November 19, 2012, 08:50:21 PM

Title: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: bob795 on November 19, 2012, 08:50:21 PM
Hi guys,

I rode home in rain last night, my first riding in rain on my Monster, and it was fun. Great time to test my rain gear and waterproof boots. There were really heavy traffic jams in the city, but my bike got me helped me filtered through the traffic like there's no traffic jam at all  ;D

Anyway, there's one thing I noticed, the foot peg was slippery in rain. Several times when I was positioning my foot on the rear brake pedal, my right foot slipped off the peg. It's scary to think what might happened if my foot slipped when I was standing on the peg, which I always do when encountering bad road surface.
Perhaps it's the combination of the contour of the foot peg, the rain and my Alpinestar boots' (web cortex) rubber soles, although I always feel that the boots' soles have nice grip on slippery/wet surface or floor.

So, I'm thinking about getting/buying a pair of footpegs to replace the stock one. What I want is footpegs that have more grip, not slippery, like trail /dirt bike footpegs or DS bike footpegs.

Can you guys tell me where I should look for such footpegs? or what footpegs from what brand of bike that fits my 795 Monster?

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: stopintime on November 20, 2012, 02:41:08 AM
Oberon and Rizoma make racing pegs for your bike. (carried by several of our sponsors)

Stock pegs are known to be slippery when wet.

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: teddy037.3 on November 20, 2012, 08:18:15 AM
gilles tooling makes an adjustable ds type peg

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: Two dogs on November 20, 2012, 12:07:15 PM
+1 on the Gilles
I have them on my S2R and am very happy with them super grippy they fold so less likely to snap in a fall
quality and design is great

http://www.shift-tech-carbon.com/onlineshop/product_info.php?info=p884_ST297-RGK-600-BLACK-ADJUSTABLE-FOOT-PEG-KIT-MONSTER.html (http://www.shift-tech-carbon.com/onlineshop/product_info.php?info=p884_ST297-RGK-600-BLACK-ADJUSTABLE-FOOT-PEG-KIT-MONSTER.html)

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: bob795 on November 21, 2012, 08:08:52 AM
Thank you very much guys.

I checked oberon and shift tech. And also rizoma, unfortunately theirs only works with rizoma rear set.
I have another question  ;D Is Shift-Tech that much better than Oberon? I mean it's almost three times the price of oberon. I know shift-tech's is adjustable while oberon isn't, but for me, adjustability isn't important at all only a nice thing to have. No problem at all with the current peg position. So is the build quality that much better?

Second thing. I also found a link to ducati design http://www.ducatidesigns.com/inc/sdetail/3794/3793 (http://www.ducatidesigns.com/inc/sdetail/3794/3793) The price is in between oberon's and shift-tech's. Anyone has any experience with ducati design's peg?

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: stopintime on November 21, 2012, 08:26:23 AM
Rizoma PE711 is for stock 'rearsets' mounting.

The Gilles Tooling pegs (sold by Shift Tech) are more grippy than Oberon.
You probably pay extra for the adjustability.

I guess the DucatiDesign pegs can be a good choice [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: Two dogs on November 21, 2012, 12:37:34 PM
I just gave away my Oberon pegs to a mate they were okay ......better than OEM but the black anodising on mine
started to ware off really quickly so looked shabby , the Gilles are way grippier and have a much better appearance.
I think you may be able to purchase just the pegs as a replacement item = cheaper and mount them on your OEM
bracket (eliminating the adjustment function though) contact shift teck and ask them .
I may be entirely wrong  [laugh]

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: zooom on November 21, 2012, 01:35:52 PM
perhaps you guys are overthinking this and overlooking the easiest...the grippy pegs from the MultiStrada or perhaps the SWMotech pegs fro the Multi bolted on...

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: bob795 on November 21, 2012, 07:04:13 PM
Rizoma PE711 is for stock 'rearsets' mounting.

Okay, forgive me for asking this stupid question, and please don't laugh  ;D ... so the stock foot pegs /foot control on my bike is rearset/stock rearset? I thought they're "standard" foot control and I thought rearsets only refers to foot control which position is further back than the stock one.

Quote from: Two dogs
  I think you may be able to purchase just the pegs as a replacement item = cheaper and mount them on your OEM bracket (eliminating the adjustment function though) contact shift teck and ask them

thanks Two dogs I'll ask them.

Quote from: zooom
perhaps you guys are overthinking this and overlooking the easiest...the grippy pegs from the MultiStrada or perhaps the SWMotech pegs fro the Multi bolted on

frankly I haven't thought about parts from MS because I thought MS parts can not be used on a monster.  Thanks zooom I'll check if the dealer has any in stock.

Thanks very much guys,

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: stopintime on November 22, 2012, 01:40:39 AM
I thought they're "standard" foot control and I thought rearsets only refers to foot control which position is further back than the stock one.

That's correct.

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: bob795 on November 23, 2012, 10:29:53 PM
I end up ordered Ducati Designs' foot pegs, their tour billet foot pegs not the adjustable one.
I'll report how it is (grips etc) once I receive it and install it. Thanks guys.

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg UPDATE
Post by: bob795 on January 15, 2013, 07:10:40 AM
Here's an update of my search for grippy footpeg:

I took delivery of the Ducati Design's pegs last week, and installed it right away. Installation was really easy, but I had a bit of a problem with the springs  ;D they're not easy to replace [bang]

There was no heavy rain for a week or so ... well, not during my riding time anyway (morning and evening) so I couldn't test how grippy the new pegs are. It is grippier than stock pegs in dry condition, but I didn't know if it will become slippery in wet or not.

Today, I finally have a chance to test the new pegs  ;D We have a heavy rains in Jakarta ... it's been 6 hours or so and it's still raining outside. So I left the office while it was still raining heavily.

I'm happy to report that the Ducati Designs pegs are really grippy  in wet condition (heavy rain). I also ride through flooded street, not too deep only about 20-30 cm deep, and my feet stay firmly on the pegs I love it. It makes riding that much more comfortable, for I know that my feet will stay on the pegs, even in a really wet condition. [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: stopintime on January 15, 2013, 01:09:51 PM
Very good  [thumbsup]

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: dlearl476 on January 15, 2013, 03:14:59 PM
Timely thread. I wore my alternate boots yesterday (ankle height alpinstars)and my right foot slipped off the peg twice and it was impossible to keep the ball of my foot on the peg. (I like to switch between ball and arch to give my knees a break.) I'm thinking of going with something like this like on my F650. They come in "Wide," too, which is a plus.


Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: rule62 on January 17, 2013, 11:20:26 AM
Does "hooligan machinist" still post? He had some awesome custom made billet pegs that he made. He sent me some in trade for a rearset a few years ago after he crashed. They're awesome. Might be worth a PM to him if he's still around.

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: Howie on January 17, 2013, 01:25:09 PM
Timely thread. I wore my alternate boots yesterday (ankle height alpinstars)and my right foot slipped off the peg twice and it was impossible to keep the ball of my foot on the peg. (I like to switch between ball and arch to give my knees a break.) I'm thinking of going with something like this like on my F650. They come in "Wide," too, which is a plus.


If you take the rubber off your pegs (a lot of work) or buy pegs for a dark that do not use rubber you might be happier.

Title: Re: Dualsport bike footpeg
Post by: dlearl476 on January 21, 2013, 05:01:50 PM
If you take the rubber off your pegs (a lot of work) or buy pegs for a dark that do not use rubber you might be happier.
I might look into some dark pegs but based on some eyeballing I did at the BMW and Touratech booths at the NYMCS and comparing to my monster today, I think pegs for a <'99 F650 will work. (Why not, the levers and a few other parts came out of the same parts bin)
I have a buddy who's been stockpiling (his word. Mine is hoarding  ;D) F parts since he bought his in '97. I think I'll see if he's got a pair laying around. If they fit, then I'll think about springing some big bucks on a Touratech pair.

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