Title: Hotels for GP Post by: duckwrench13 on June 30, 2008, 02:19:05 PM I just got this from my friend Michelle (Moto Liam's girlfriend). She's got some extra rooms available for the GP weekend.
i have three rooms reserved at the seaside inn for gp laguna !! and this is only a couple miles from cannery row !! http://www.seasideinnmonterey.com/ let me know if you want one and so i can figure out who goes where!! erin, jess and i are confirmed, so there is at least one room left with double beds. rates: check-in, JULY 18 (3pm), check-out JULY 21 (noon) $215 per night (sorry, minimum three nights but it works out to about the same price for two nights at other hotels cause the cheapest i found was $289!) let me know asap please !! Let me know if you're interested, and I can get you in touch with her. [thumbsup] |