Title: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: factorPlayer on June 30, 2008, 04:45:46 PM It's time to replace the stock blinkers, man are they fugly. I want to replace the front signals, the rear signals will likely be replaced by an integrated tail kit.
but I'm not sure what my options are or where to get them. I know rizoma make several models and there is a DP model as well. Any suggestions? Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Privateer on June 30, 2008, 05:18:12 PM I like the oberon
(http://www.oberon-performance.co.uk/acatalog/indicator-led-motorcycle-sm.jpg) (http://www.oberon-performance.co.uk/acatalog/motorcycle-indicators.html) there's also the plethora of Shock Racing (http://www.shockracing.com/) signals if you don't want to spend a lot. andy Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Slide Panda on June 30, 2008, 06:14:11 PM I'm a big fan of Rizoma. But the newest generation comes with load boxes... Not sure how to deal with them up front, since my are older, and don't have said box.
Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: hay13 on June 30, 2008, 06:47:13 PM +1 on the Rizomas. I went with the Zero-11 LED's in the front from PJSPARTS. I was worried about the boxes but I was able to get them behind the headlight with some zip tys. When the wheel is turned all the way to the right you can see one of the boxes but it blends end well enough and it does not stand out.
http://www.pjsparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=59&products_id=642 tim Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: psycledelic on July 01, 2008, 04:46:55 AM If you want a cheaper alternative (although, still the stock lights), the clear alternative tinted lenses make things less noticable. Best part is the $19.95 price tag.
(http://i30.tinypic.com/2rhu2w1.jpg) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: flsurfdog on July 01, 2008, 05:36:27 AM watsendesign.com (http://watsendesign.com)
he's awesome, although a little pricy. but totally worth it. tell him mike arnold from the ducati monster forum sent you and he might cut a deal. he did for me [thumbsup] Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: junior varsity on July 01, 2008, 06:05:53 AM I love some Rizoma's. I have the Track 01's. Wouldn't hesitate to buy them again.
Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: hay13 on July 01, 2008, 06:45:32 AM If you want a cheaper alternative (although, still the stock lights), the clear alternative tinted lenses make things less noticable. Best part is the $19.95 price tag. (http://i30.tinypic.com/2rhu2w1.jpg) Looks nice. I've thought about these for the rear but was worried they wouldn't be very bright. Any concerns there? Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: psycledelic on July 01, 2008, 06:54:36 AM Looks nice. I've thought about these for the rear but was worried they wouldn't be very bright. Any concerns there? No issues so far. I originally bought them as a short term solution for the ugly orange covers. After I installed them, I liked the look. I used the Clear Alternative LED integrated lights and signals on the back. Both were priced well and had a super easy install.Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: asado on July 01, 2008, 06:58:03 AM Oberon
(http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/9590/s4rs80fa6.th.jpg) (http://img372.imageshack.us/my.php?image=s4rs80fa6.jpg) (http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/5341/s4rs60bu7.th.jpg) (http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=s4rs60bu7.jpg) I have the Rizoma 11's now http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=1845.0 Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: CDawg on July 01, 2008, 07:54:54 AM I went with DP integrated mirror/signal to reduce clutter.
Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: factorPlayer on July 01, 2008, 08:47:57 AM thanks for the info guys.. the pics help too!
Keep 'em coming [thumbsup] Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: stopintime on July 01, 2008, 08:58:44 AM +1 on the Rizomas. I went with the Zero-11 LED's in the front from PJSPARTS. I was worried about the boxes but I was able to get them behind the headlight with some zip tys. When the wheel is turned all the way to the right you can see one of the boxes but it blends end well enough and it does not stand out. http://www.pjsparts.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=59&products_id=642 tim So, you're still modding - HOW ABOUT THE MIRRORS??? [evil] ;) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: hay13 on July 01, 2008, 09:40:18 AM So, you're still modding - HOW ABOUT THE MIRRORS??? [evil] ;) LMAO [thumbsup] Yes, the mirror pics are coming. In fact I'll take pictures tonight. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Crumar on July 02, 2008, 04:13:07 AM (http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k116/splendorland/ducfront.jpg)
Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: 2-Wheelin Hooligan on July 02, 2008, 06:32:40 AM watsendesign.com (http://watsendesign.com) he's awesome, although a little pricy. but totally worth it. tell him mike arnold from the ducati monster forum sent you and he might cut a deal. he did for me [thumbsup] Is there anyway you could post pictures? I'm just not sure how that would look on a monster. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: hydra on July 03, 2008, 12:30:34 AM Is there anyway you could post pictures? I'm just not sure how that would look on a monster. +1i'd like to see these as well Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: flsurfdog on July 03, 2008, 03:23:04 AM Here they are.....VERY bright and really well made. Still glad I got them. They do look a bit out of place against the bare aluminum i think..... the plan is to black out all that stuff up front which will make it blend better.
I also tried to used them as the headlamp mounts but couldn't work it out :-\ From the side (https://lh5.ggpht.com/FlSurfDog/SEGgjgX1F-I/AAAAAAAAAEY/o8tCjCPNEgU/ceramicpipes.JPG?imgmax=640) front..ish (http://lh4.ggpht.com/FlSurfDog/SGy1wum9iII/AAAAAAAAAFw/xf7CTAXptWY/002.JPG?imgmax=640) on with and without flash (http://lh4.ggpht.com/FlSurfDog/SGy1wc0qotI/AAAAAAAAAFo/D1O0kgY6juI/001.JPG?imgmax=640) (https://lh5.ggpht.com/FlSurfDog/SGy1oZfHvNI/AAAAAAAAAFY/SO7UGcDfrp4/013.JPG?imgmax=640) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Aminul on July 03, 2008, 08:40:16 AM If you want a cheaper alternative (although, still the stock lights), the clear alternative tinted lenses make things less noticable. Best part is the $19.95 price tag. Where did you get these lenses from? Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: stopintime on July 03, 2008, 02:13:04 PM Where did you get these lenses from? I'm not him, but I got mine from Jeff at MonsterParts. (IMO: clear on red bikes - smoked on black bikes.)(IMO!) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Justang on July 05, 2008, 08:38:31 AM Got these leds from Lucky Bike (http://luckybike.com/). These are the model (http://luckybike.com/super-stalk-turn-signals-power-led39s-1945-black-p-99.html?osCsid=c8fb5f7c3ba1976fbb782b5a15e07aa7) I got.
They come in black plastic or a simulated carbon fiber... the CF doesn't look the best. :( (http://www.3.8mustang.com/justang/Ducati/IMG_0061.JPG) (http://www.3.8mustang.com/justang/Ducati/IMG_0054.JPG) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: jorgemiranda on July 05, 2008, 09:19:44 AM Got these leds from Lucky Bike (http://luckybike.com/). These are the model (http://luckybike.com/super-stalk-turn-signals-power-led39s-1945-black-p-99.html?osCsid=c8fb5f7c3ba1976fbb782b5a15e07aa7) I got. They come in black plastic or a simulated carbon fiber... the CF doesn't look the best. :( (http://www.3.8mustang.com/justang/Ducati/IMG_0061.JPG) (http://www.3.8mustang.com/justang/Ducati/IMG_0054.JPG) How did they work for you? Are your using the resistors? And do you have any pics of the mountings. I don't have the tail chopped, but plan on putting a short tail on it. I have been looking at the Rizomas, but the price for this ones is very intriguing. Thanks Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: DucME on July 06, 2008, 05:24:23 PM I like the turn signals at LuckyBike. There are some there I hadn't seen before. I'm planning on getting these:
http://luckybike.com/super-stalk-turn-signals-power-led39s-1937-black-pi-101.html?image=0&osCsid=175e8f6ad9355094314443945aed1001 (http://luckybike.com/super-stalk-turn-signals-power-led39s-1937-black-pi-101.html?image=0&osCsid=175e8f6ad9355094314443945aed1001) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: CF_Beast on July 12, 2008, 06:52:48 PM watsendesign.com (http://watsendesign.com) he's awesome, although a little pricy. but totally worth it. tell him mike arnold from the ducati monster forum sent you and he might cut a deal. he did for me [thumbsup] I'm looking for a pair for the tail. I'm getting DP mirrors with integrated LED which will take care of the front. I was looking at the Lucky Bike Stalks, but I liked the Watsens. I have a very bright LED tail light and I'm afraid it'll outshine these and sort of drown them out. Especially in the open road at a distance. Since they are low profile, they would fit practically flush, next to the tail light. Do you have any feedback on this issue (I guess the head light would do the same in the front if this was an issue). It basically comes down to how bright they are, given they carry 6 LEDs facing backward, as opposed to 18 on the Lucky Bike's (although they are probably smaller too). Do you have any pictures in the dark vs. stock bulbs maybe? Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: CF_Beast on July 13, 2008, 07:01:41 AM I went with DP integrated mirror/signal to reduce clutter. I'm currently waiting for a package with those from Ducati Omaha. Could you post pictures of how those look/work? Also lit in the dark if possible. Thanks, JRF Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: CF_Beast on July 13, 2008, 07:04:31 AM Got these leds from Lucky Bike (http://luckybike.com/). These are the model (http://luckybike.com/super-stalk-turn-signals-power-led39s-1945-black-p-99.html?osCsid=c8fb5f7c3ba1976fbb782b5a15e07aa7) I got. They come in black plastic or a simulated carbon fiber... the CF doesn't look the best. :( Hey, Is your rear tire stock? Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Privateer on July 13, 2008, 07:05:37 AM i'm curious, has anyone has put on aftermarket indicators but still had the stock tail on?
Andy Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: alienfocus on July 13, 2008, 08:58:13 AM I remember seeing a post a bit ago of someone who had signals for the front mounted to the bikini fairing. They were not stalk types but some super bright LED module that was almost a flush mount like the wastendesigns shown above...anyone know of a set -up like this? I just got the Vizi-Tec SuperNova tail light so my turn signals are gone in the rear.
Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Crazy Canadian on July 13, 2008, 10:08:48 AM Wow. Those will look great on my black S2R800. Are the signals still very visible?? I don't want to get hit again....
If you want a cheaper alternative (although, still the stock lights), the clear alternative tinted lenses make things less noticable. Best part is the $19.95 price tag. (http://i30.tinypic.com/2rhu2w1.jpg) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: phlipmode on July 13, 2008, 10:09:00 AM i'm curious, has anyone has put on aftermarket indicators but still had the stock tail on? Andy Second that, I need to leave my tail on as i ride in the Pacific NW and it's wet here alot of teh time. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Crazy Canadian on July 13, 2008, 10:11:58 AM Ahhh... Doesn't look like you can buy just the lenses anymore. I don't think you can buy anything for my bike. :-[ :'(
If you want a cheaper alternative (although, still the stock lights), the clear alternative tinted lenses make things less noticable. Best part is the $19.95 price tag. (http://i30.tinypic.com/2rhu2w1.jpg) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: stopintime on July 13, 2008, 01:38:35 PM Ahhh... Doesn't look like you can buy just the lenses anymore. I don't think you can buy anything for my bike. :-[ :'( MonsterParts have them listed for your bike http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/CTS/Electrical/CTS.html Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Crazy Canadian on July 13, 2008, 02:57:46 PM MonsterParts have them listed for your bike http://www.monsterparts.com/pc/CTS/Electrical/CTS.html Hey thanks!! I checked the factory website and they weren't listed. I'm a dealer for a variety of sporting goods and can get Rizomas at dealer cost, but personally, I kind of like the round factory ones with these lenses in smoke. Will smoke be bright enough??? I like the somewhat classic retro look of the monster with minor mods to the esthetics. For example, the headlight, espescially with my windshield off. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: stopintime on July 13, 2008, 03:35:52 PM IMO the stock signals are quite bright, at least if the reflectors are clean. I asked a riding buddy if he fitted stronger bulbs (he hadn't) - I was surprised how bright they are - especially compared to some integrated signals.
I haven't seen our signals with smoked lenses, but I have a strong feeling they will be bright enough. The "smoke" isn't very thick. AND they look great on black bikes. When I bought the clear lenses (red bike) I tried them with chrome coated amber bulbs. They look MUCH better with no trace of amber through the clear lenses. BUT, the chrome coating make them dangerously weak - I tried larger 27 watts, but still no brighter than the 10 watts amber bulbs + they are too large to fit. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Monstermash on July 13, 2008, 06:07:28 PM We had this posted up on TOB but here it is again. Rizoma Zero's modified to fit the no-chop CF tail.
This on Dr. Desmo's on S4R (http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff176/MonstermashS2R/S4RRizomas.jpg) Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Spider on July 14, 2008, 01:02:32 AM When I bought the clear lenses (red bike) I tried them with chrome coated amber bulbs. They look MUCH better with no trace of amber through the clear lenses. BUT, the chrome coating make them dangerously weak - I tried larger 27 watts, but still no brighter than the 10 watts amber bulbs + they are too large to fit. I've ordered the clear lens (sorry, black bike at the moment - plan is eventually pearl white though!) and was wondering about getting better bulbs... chrome covered are obviously out can you get bulbs greater than the 10 watt that will fit? (don't care if they are orange) thanks in advance spider Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: phlipmode on July 14, 2008, 08:33:21 AM We had this posted up on TOB but here it is again. Rizoma Zero's modified to fit the no-chop CF tail. This on Dr. Desmo's on S4R (http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff176/MonstermashS2R/S4RRizomas.jpg) Looks Great, what was done to the lamps to get them to sit flush? Any pics from the inside? Thanks. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Crazy Canadian on July 14, 2008, 09:36:58 AM Ahhh... Doesn't look like you can buy just the lenses anymore. I don't think you can buy anything for my bike. :-[ :'( Ummm dude. Do you mind if I ask where you got the smoked windshield? Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Monstermash on July 14, 2008, 09:41:14 AM Looks Great, what was done to the lamps to get them to sit flush? Any pics from the inside? Thanks. Yes, the stalks were removed to make the signals fit flush to the CF tail. It's difficult to notice but the back of the housing/lens was reshaped as well because the base was too long to fit in the space allowed on the CF tail. It's a bit more work than just removing the stock. Sorry, but I don't have any pics from the inside. It did require me to drill and tap an additional hole in the base of the housing to mount though. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: stopintime on July 14, 2008, 12:13:41 PM I've ordered the clear lens (sorry, black bike at the moment - plan is eventually pearl white though!) and was wondering about getting better bulbs... chrome covered are obviously out can you get bulbs greater than the 10 watt that will fit? (don't care if they are orange) thanks in advance spider Yes/No I did some heavy searching and found the larger size 21 watts amber (very bright) and 27 watts chrome coated amber (as bright as the clear or amber 10 watts). Both fit in the socket and will flash as normal, BUT they are a few mm's too long to fit under the lenses. I also found LEDs that will fit in the stock socket, might need resistors, but they are also too large to fit under the lenses. (sorry if "socket is the wrong word) I haven't been able to find stronger bulbs with the same/similar size as the 10 watts. I will keep on looking, but I think I will continue coming up empty handed. Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: stopintime on July 14, 2008, 12:26:30 PM Ummm dude. Do you mind if I ask where you got the smoked windshield? I will cut into this one (sorry) - no surprise, Jeff at MonsterParts has the Zero Gravity Touring Screen in clear and smoked versions. It is much more stable than stock and lift the air a bit up. They will be even less flappy with the PoorDucRiders, but I'm not sure that it is a must. For me, at 6'4", it moved/reduced the turbulence that hit directly under my helmet causing a LOT of noise. Now, some of the noise is still there, but greatly reduced. The important part is that the wind and noise are at steady levels. To get it really quiet the fairing must be removed - at least that is how it works with my Schuberth R1 helmet. What was the topic again ??? Sorry Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: Smitty on July 14, 2008, 03:36:38 PM Here is a good looking set but I dont know who makes them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWt4HLymo00
Tim Title: Re: Aftermarket turn signals Post by: scooby on July 14, 2008, 04:17:14 PM I have DP brushed aluminum for both front and rear... Very nice IMO... 8)
(http://www.applewood.smugmug.com/photos/277966680_wBRL3-L-1.jpg) (http://www.applewood.smugmug.com/photos/277966555_JsvCj-M.jpg) |