Ducati Monster Forum

Introductions => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Hollywood on May 06, 2008, 10:51:48 PM

Title: Introducing my rider...
Post by: Hollywood on May 06, 2008, 10:51:48 PM
My rider's name: Phil aka Hollywood. He is 34 and single.

Our location: Daly City, CA (1st city South of SF on the West side of the peninsula) We are in the Ducati MOB.

Me: 2007 Monster S2R 800 black Mostly stock, but still sexy. I'm his first motorcycle, he didn't want to spoil me.
How long has Phil been riding? He learned to ride in Aug/Sept 06 (MSF). Received his licence on the 29th of Sept. Met me on Dec. 6th. So, to answer the question, about 1 1/2 years.

He was know as Phil J on the original D M L. On the new version it changed to Phanjastic.
Hollywood is a nick name from the CA National Guard. He wanted to use it when he joined the DML. However it was already taken.  :( (the profile has not been active since early 03) Oh well.
He thought Phanjastic was creative. (parts of his name with stic on the end, like fantastic) ;D   (What a dork.) ;:|

Anyway, we are glad to be here.
Salute be::  dr::  :wine

Title: Re: Introducing my rider...
Post by: sydmonster on May 07, 2008, 02:19:45 AM
Tell phil he needs to share if he's '  :wine! Cheers mate - Chris

Title: Re: Introducing my rider...
Post by: Hollywood on May 07, 2008, 11:26:47 AM
Interesting, I fall asleep with my computer on and my sweet Italian seniora takes the liberty of posting up for me.  :D
At least she was acurate. Maybe a little to much! "He is 34 and single." It kinda sounds like she's trying to pimp me out. (Probably trying to pay for new Mods!)
From now on I am going to have to shut down the computer at night.  ;)

She's been good to me. I'm going to have to buy her something. Oh, wait, I already did. Waiting for the Nikols crankcase breather I purchased from Scooby.
I'm sure she'll love it.  :-*

Like she said, We're happy to be here.

Excuse me, I have to go ride her hard.  :o  :e:v  Read: I have to go clean her. I'm so whipped! ;D

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