Ducati Monster Forum

Moto Board => Accessories & Mods => Topic started by: Syscrush on December 01, 2012, 12:08:45 PM

Title: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on December 01, 2012, 12:08:45 PM
Hey gang.

I love the M1100, hate the exhaust.  Seems like something that would be easily rectified...

I'm OK with getting an aftermarket slip-on or full system.  I'm doing this for looks, don't care about adding power.  Don't mind picking up some hp, but that isn't a goal.

My requirements are:
1. Quieter is better - must be baffled and/or offer a dB killer insert.
2. Must include a catalytic converter - either retain the stocker or as an add-on.
3. Shorter is better. I love the looks of the Competition Werkes shorty and the ExBox:



But I have serious concerns about the noise level for both setups, and also about having a catalytic.  I found one vendor claiming that the ExBox can be bought with a catalytic insert to meet Euro3 standards, and I assume that would make it a bit quieter than a regular ExBox, which as far as I can tell is obnoxiously loud.  Does anyone have experience with this setup?

Another option that looks a lot better than stock and that includes an optional catalytic insert is the Arrow:

Looks great from this angle...

...not so great from this angle. :(

Any pointers about options I should look at would be much appreciated.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: memper on December 01, 2012, 12:52:00 PM
Well generally speaking, shorter=louder.
That said, I like pic#1

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: ungeheuer on December 02, 2012, 12:08:21 AM
The cat is in the cans, throw away the cans and the cat is... um...

... out of the bag.

Why do you want to retain the catalytic converter?

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Raux on December 02, 2012, 01:43:20 AM
several aftermarket can makers have optional cats. find them and you'll likely get what you want.

either way, the stock system will be the quietest.

you could get the arrow and cut it down as well

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: kemorobbie on December 02, 2012, 05:34:08 AM
Check out the 2 models from Shift-Tech.  The Gp model is very short and the one I believe i will be buying. 

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Barney on December 02, 2012, 08:40:02 AM
I have the CW exhaust on my 1100 - i love it, and I have to say it looks better in person than it does in any pic ive seen of it, even my own - but it is definitely loud.  very loud.  I don't run the db killer, so I can't speak on that...I like the sound of the cw quite a bit better than the stock, but stock it isn't exactly quite either...You'll just need to invest in some descent hearing protection, which you should probably do anyway  [thumbsup]

here's my thread with a few more pics:  http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=60727.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=60727.0)

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on December 06, 2012, 11:59:51 AM
Why do you want to retain the catalytic converter?
1. Partly because it does keep things a bit quieter.
2. Karma.  I don't preach to other people about it, but I'm not comfortable pulling the cat off of a bike anymore.  I used to have a street-ported RX-7 with a 2.5" exhaust and I've exceeded 10 lifetime's worth of unburned hydrocarbon emissions.  The difference between my bikes with and without cats is really pronounced and I prefer the less-smelly setups.

Really not trying to start a political/ethical/environmental debate, just clarifying my position.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on December 06, 2012, 12:11:42 PM
several aftermarket can makers have optional cats. find them and you'll likely get what you want.
Yeah, Arrow and Akro both have them.  I find the whole Arrow setup (midpipe and can) a bit too long, and Akro only shows the high-mount duals for the older 1100 on their site - nothing for the EVO.  This dealer (http://www.spareshack.com/products/492/S2R--S4R--S4RS--Quat-D-Exbox-Full-System.php) says that there's an optional cat for the ex-box, but I haven't seen that claim anywhere else.

either way, the stock system will be the quietest.

you could get the arrow and cut it down as well

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on December 06, 2012, 12:21:42 PM
I have the CW exhaust on my 1100 - i love it, and I have to say it looks better in person than it does in any pic ive seen of it, even my own
Wow, it looks great, especially with the wrapped exhaust.

You'll just need to invest in some descent hearing protection, which you should probably do anyway
I already have nice custom-fit silicone plugs - for me the noise thing is not really about my own hearing (very few pipes are louder than the wind at 70mph anyhow) but about not being obnoxious and/or drawing attention from cops.  Doesn't matter how much power a bike makes at WFO if I'm too self-conscious to ever get it there...

That CW setup really does look awesome, though.  You have a beautiful bike.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Slide Panda on December 06, 2012, 12:35:32 PM
it would seem that both options from Shift-Tech (First photo and their GP) do have a dB killer, but make no mention of a cat.

You might drop a line on Motowheels. They are a site sponsor and Quat-D vendor. They might be able to clear up the questions as to if the Ex-Box can have a cat.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: kemorobbie on December 06, 2012, 02:50:38 PM
What about just going with the stock system off a 796? They fit and look better and have a cat

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on December 06, 2012, 06:46:05 PM
What about just going with the stock system off a 796? They fit and look better and have a cat
Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm not fond of the undertail twin cans, though.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on December 07, 2012, 04:34:53 AM
You might drop a line on Motowheels. They are a site sponsor and Quat-D vendor. They might be able to clear up the questions as to if the Ex-Box can have a cat.
Thanks very much for the pointer.  I did contact moto with my questions and here's the answer:

We no longer import, stock or list the ex box on our website because of the warranty, fitment and supply issues.
If you are interested in a Ex-Box, please contact Nick@motowheels.com or call 916.369.2509 to see if he can get you one.

They come with Cats and a removable db killer. They can be ordered with out cats.

www.motowheels.com (http://) (http://)

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Barney on December 07, 2012, 05:44:31 AM
Wow, it looks great, especially with the wrapped exhaust.
I already have nice custom-fit silicone plugs - for me the noise thing is not really about my own hearing (very few pipes are louder than the wind at 70mph anyhow) but about not being obnoxious and/or drawing attention from cops.  Doesn't matter how much power a bike makes at WFO if I'm too self-conscious to ever get it there...

That CW setup really does look awesome, though.  You have a beautiful bike.

Thanks - it's def a work in progress.  I thought the same thing about the wind noise, until i got on the slab with the CW - there's no more wind noise at 70...only exhaust. 

+1 for motowheels - those guys are great!

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: kemorobbie on December 07, 2012, 05:53:30 AM
How about a 2 into 1 SC Project that is a complete system and has a high exit but not under tail.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on December 07, 2012, 11:31:51 PM

Wonder if this would work with Akra's cat insert...

...have my doubts.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Rigez on February 09, 2013, 11:34:46 PM

Wonder if this would work with Akra's cat insert...

...have my doubts.

What bike is that Akrapovic exhaust made for?

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: JohnEE on February 11, 2013, 05:25:42 AM
A paul smart judging by the swing arm and spoke wheels is my best guess. I like that Akra too bad they so darn expensive.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Anchorism on February 11, 2013, 02:49:06 PM
So far there's not too many exhaust setups I'm totally impressed by for the evo.  IMO the boom tubes look the best but quiet is totally out of the question.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Skybarney on February 23, 2013, 02:30:10 PM
I am a new owner of a 2013 M1100.  I hate the stock can with a passion.  I am going to purchase the Zard cans with DB killers and catalytic option.  They are just under $1100.00.  Being in California I am hoping that I can at least have a shot at proving my intent if the pipes come into question by a LEO.  Not to mention I was told it was quiet (for aftermarket) and smog friendly ( ;

Two months lead time but IMHO the best looking pipe for the money.  Also Zard was started by folks from Termi, they know what they are doing.

http://motowheels.com/i-8352450-zard-high-mount-side-cf-slip-ons-homologated-m1100-evo.html (http://motowheels.com/i-8352450-zard-high-mount-side-cf-slip-ons-homologated-m1100-evo.html)

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on February 26, 2013, 04:58:23 AM
They look nice:


Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: stopintime on February 26, 2013, 09:53:38 AM
The shorties really do a lot for the modern Monster [thumbsup]

Another couple of nice options (I think Desmo Performance Parts have them...)



Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Syscrush on February 27, 2013, 08:59:40 AM
Very nice, but still not what I'd consider a shorty.  It's moot for me now, but my preference would be for a muffler that ends somewhere around where those begin.

Title: Re: Shorty or under-slung exhaust for M1100?
Post by: Fergus on February 27, 2013, 05:33:53 PM
If that pipe sloped up just a little more to match the subframe and seat, it'd be perfect.

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