Title: Instrument Cluster Condensation Post by: metallimonster on July 01, 2008, 06:07:02 AM So I got dumped on last week,(first time and I found out it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be), and had to put the bike away wet. I tried to dry it as much as possible but my grandma is sick and I had to drive an hour away to get to the hospital.
I didn't get home until late on Sunday and finally go back on the bike today. To my displeausre there is a small amount of condensation in my instrument cluster. Has anyone had this happen and what should I do to fix it? I have it out in the sun now to dry it up and I am hoping it wasn't enough to mess up my cluster which I know is really expensive. Hopefully it will dry up and not be a problem. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Title: Re: Instrument Cluster Condensation Post by: carlosbarrios on July 01, 2008, 12:33:55 PM I had that happen to me too. Just left it a few days. Goes quicker if you let it sit under the sun a while. No problems with it yet.
Title: Re: Instrument Cluster Condensation Post by: CMDRDAVE on July 01, 2008, 05:15:28 PM +1, usually goes away after a few days, sun or a warm spot is good.
Title: Re: Instrument Cluster Condensation Post by: DoubleEagle on July 01, 2008, 08:46:02 PM I keep my bikes underground and today I noticed on my 1098 R that there was some condensation under the gauge lens. I rode for 4 1/2 hours in the sun. It was a nice warm day here , 78 degrees and even cooler in the hills . The moisture is still there but just barely . It's at the top of the gauge in the RPM visual. I will try putting it in the sun tomorrow , only thing , it will be going back undergroud so I guess I'll just have to learn to shift by ear. I can see the speed number though.