Title: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: XJBaylor on July 01, 2008, 10:18:25 AM I am thinking of getting the low mount Termignoni slip ons made for the s2r/s4r. I have heard, and it just makes sense, that they must be removed to remove the wheel. Can anyone with this exhaust give me an idea of how long it takes to remove the cans? Is it easy, worth it, etc. Also, anyone that can compare the sound to the high mounts, exbox, arrow, etc. would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance. Title: Re: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: Slide Panda on July 01, 2008, 03:18:54 PM I've seen the pipes your talking about, and I'd say about and additional 10 min to have them off. There's just a couple bolts/nuts that need to come off to get the bulk of the cans out of the way.
Title: Re: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: Duc Fever on July 01, 2008, 05:50:45 PM Well I recently had the rear tire on my S2R1K changed and the high mount cans had to be removed to do it. So I would say it really does not matter you will have to remove the cans either way. and it is only a couple bolts, easy enough.
Title: Re: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: Bizzarrini on July 01, 2008, 10:49:19 PM I'm not sure about the termi's on the s2r, but on my '94 M900 it takes only about one minute to remove a Termi! Just unscrew two allen bolts, and pull out the pipe: Presto!
Title: Re: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: rockaduc on July 02, 2008, 02:17:15 AM Not to thread-jack or anything...but why would you want the low mounts? Show off that SSS!!!!!! It is beautiful!
Title: Re: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: XJBaylor on July 02, 2008, 09:41:51 AM Not to thread-jack or anything...but why would you want the low mounts? Show off that SSS!!!!!! It is beautiful! Haha, I knew that would come up, and I think the same thing. However, I do not really like the looks of the high mount Termis with a tailchop, the Arrow's are a little too loud I think, etc. I have narrowed it down to the Exbox and the low mount Termis. Termis win on sound (perfect) and looks, but cover the SSS to some degree. The exbox would allow me to easily use saddlebags, more heel clearance, show off the SSS/tail, and works well with the stock ECU. The only downsides are the unconventional looks (I go back and forth on that) and the sound is more mechanical than the deep rumble of the Termis, which is the greatest sound this side of a Norton rotary. Thanks for the replies guys. I think I was hoping it would be a big pain, and that would have helped me decide on the exbox. Oh well. Title: Re: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: Slide Panda on July 02, 2008, 09:56:48 AM The only downsides are the unconventional looks (I go back and forth on that) and the sound is more mechanical than the deep rumble of the Termis, which is the greatest sound this side of a Norton rotary. Hunt around youtube - there's a clip of a Monster Rider with a ex-box at a track day. It sounds pretty awesome as he approaches and then passes the camera position. I could easily be dubbed into some scene where there's a fighter strafing pass in some WWII movie Title: Re: Low Mount Termis on s2r Post by: teddy037.2 on July 03, 2008, 09:41:19 PM really, if you think about it, you can see the SSS. it's on the left side of the bike.
you'd be covering the wheel ;) that said, those low mount shotguns look hot on the S*R [thumbsup] |