Title: hello from Croatia /Eu Post by: Desmoss on May 06, 2008, 11:38:26 PM hello to everyone...first sory on my bed english ::)
my name is Marko now i'am driving M S4RS '06MY , with 5.000km (i bought it few days ago) be:: it's a beast first i have M750 my'98, then M900 my'99, then i want to try SS so i bought SS 750 my'03,i swap machine with 900cc, i didn't like it i mean the sport riding and now i have to my most beautiful bike and it will stay in garage forever Title: Re: hello from Croatia /Eu Post by: sydmonster on May 07, 2008, 02:12:05 AM Welcome mate!, Im from Australia. Soon you will learn about people from all sorts of places here! - Chris