Title: New to the Hill Country Post by: brvliltoastr on February 14, 2013, 08:55:37 AM Just moved here a few days ago. Can anyone recommend some good roads to ride or places to meet up with other riders?
[beer] Title: Re: New to the Hill Country Post by: cayman s on February 14, 2013, 12:38:23 PM I'd suggest as a start that you get one of these books.
http://www.ridetexas.com/html/Store.php?item=CURATED_COLLECTION (http://www.ridetexas.com/html/Store.php?item=CURATED_COLLECTION) I know they sell them at Lone Star BMW; perhaps other places too. Also, check out this site: http://www.sundaymorningrides.com/road/states/TX.shtml (http://www.sundaymorningrides.com/road/states/TX.shtml) Title: Re: New to the Hill Country Post by: wasabi on February 14, 2013, 02:33:18 PM So more specifically are you talking North San Antonio or more Austin area? If you are a medium to advanced rider then I would suggest the three sisters. FM 335, 336 and 337 near Leakey Texas. Bandera rd is fun too and roads leading off there. If you have never been to Luckenbach I would suggest a ride out there . It is a nice place to check out at least once. (near Fredricksburg).
The San Antonio Ducati Club meets every first wednesday of the month at Lucianos on Huebner. I believe there is a ride every sunday with the Euro bike club, but I am not sure of the details at the moment. Every second Tuesday the Euro Bike club meets at Pizza Italia on Thousand Oaks. On the last saturday of the month at least a few Ducati Riders meet at Cars an Coffee at Blanco and 1604. Usually a large group of car enthusiasts there. As the weather warms up and the chance of rain dissipates I am sure there will be more rides. Title: Re: New to the Hill Country Post by: Pedro-bot on February 23, 2013, 09:48:02 AM Welcome!
+1 on where are you? SA, Austin, San Marcos, New Braunfels, etc...,? Title: Re: New to the Hill Country Post by: brvliltoastr on March 06, 2013, 05:33:13 PM Getting my apartment in Austin on the 15th [thumbsup]
Still havent got to explore that much yet. I wanna check the sisters and marble falls out soon |