Ducati Monster Forum

Local Clubs => OZ monsters => Topic started by: bigfella on July 02, 2008, 11:16:21 PM

Title: monster knocked over
Post by: bigfella on July 02, 2008, 11:16:21 PM
just came home to find my pride and joy knocked over and placed back up so as not too look out of place
but... some very nice person got the details of the offender and handed them to my wife
lots of superficial damage
left side : mirror gone
              clutch lever bent
              exhust very slightly dented
              side stand bent in all sorts of crazy positions (wont really hold the bike properly)
right side : gravel rash to everything that sticks out
                brake leaver bent
                handel bar end plastic bubble snapped off
                exhust scratched and dented
i think the handel bars are out of wack

questions are
how does it work with getting it fixed ie does everything and i mean everthing get replaced and or fixed
and how long does or could it take ????
and does this now mean i cant sell it with a clear conscience of not being dropped (as i was looking at the 696)
does it mean the value drop's

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: loony888 on July 02, 2008, 11:32:02 PM
if you have comprehensive insurance you should be able to supply the persons details and get it fixed without it costing you anything, even your excess in most cases.
going through insurance the bike shop that quotes it will list absolutely everything. so in that case the value should be the same after as before.
been dropped? well, yes, i suppose so but there's a huge difference between a topple over at standstill and a 140kph highside into a tree!!! so i wouldn't worry about it, keep a photocopy of the quote to prove it's only superficial and you can be up front with a buyer about the damage and he will confirm by eyeing your bike that it's been repaired fully and professionally.


Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: techno on July 02, 2008, 11:35:51 PM
Damn, that blows. At least if you drop it yourself its your own damage. :'(

As Loony said, pass it on to your insurer. Thats what you pay them for.

If you don't have insurance but the skuzball who knocked your bike over does, hassle them.

Your entitled to have it all fixed back to how it was before it got knocked over (but you could always add some of your own cash to improve (bling) things).

Let us know how it goes.

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: brimo on July 02, 2008, 11:37:02 PM
Well, sorry to hear about this,(I can only speak about my experience with car insurers though) best talk to your insurance company, but generally if you are able to identify the evil doer your insurance company will chase them for you, it'll involve you getting quotes on repairs etc.
If you don't have insurance then you've  got to go to the cops a.s.a.p
The person that got the details, hopefully is a stand up person and will be a witness to your incident, otherwise the other person can just say "hey wasn't me" and it's your word against theirs.
If they don't come to the party then you will be up for your excess, and insurance should pay the rest.
Yep as your an honest kind of guy you won't be able to sell it with a clear conscience so your price will drop accordingly.

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: loony888 on July 03, 2008, 12:05:44 AM
i wouldn't think the price would drop from a topple over. sure, if it was left damaged or a half arsed repair was done that would lower the resale value, but with nothing but cosmetic damage and replacing with genuine parts and there being no residual damage i would think even telling a buyer about the incident it shouldn't effect the value.
just my .02c


Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: White Lion on July 03, 2008, 12:50:51 AM
Mate, go to the cops no matter what. Insurance companies will very rarely argue the matter if you have a police report to back it up. If the Witness doesn't end up giving a statement, and THEN you go to the cops, they will question the reason for you taking so long. The other driver didn't stop and give his details= major traffic acco. Make a report ASAP. Police won't question you at all if you have a witness.

Hugh  [coffee]

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: bigfella on July 03, 2008, 01:04:53 PM
yea ive full comprehensive
and ive had the cops over for a statement
and lucky for me the fool who did a runner contacted me after the cops rung him to say he's not insured and can he give me a couple of hundred bucks and i got him on video admitting he did it so hes now up for the whole lot
i just needed some reasurance on the drop thing a moving one is better than a stand still at least
and it will probably end up with frasers doing the repair and i think there thourough (and expensive)

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: Dockstrada on July 03, 2008, 03:06:10 PM
Just remember my Multistrada experience when it fell of the stand Total write off. ???

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: loony888 on July 04, 2008, 01:57:33 AM
jeez doc!!!! are you serious? your multi fell off it's stand and it was a write off? OMG!!!


Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: Dockstrada on July 04, 2008, 02:47:05 AM
jeez doc!!!! are you serious? your multi fell off it's stand and it was a write off? OMG!!!


Can you believe the w#%ker assessor from Shannon’s said it had 18k damage? Offered it to me for 11k salvage told him to ???????? I think you  know what i said

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: Super T.I.B on July 04, 2008, 01:22:15 PM
Can you believe the w#%ker assessor from Shannon’s said it had 18k damage? Offered it to me for 11k salvage told him to ???????? I think you  know what i said

Is that the assessor you told me to try and avoid?

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: Howley on July 04, 2008, 03:48:09 PM
How did it get hurt on both sides?? The twat must have dropped it twice.

Title: Re: monster knocked over
Post by: Dockstrada on July 04, 2008, 11:27:11 PM
Is that the assessor you told me to try and avoid?

Yep thats him.

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