Title: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: 10/10ths on April 15, 2013, 06:26:21 PM I will arrive Thursday night and be there all weekend.
Any of you inmates wanna grab a beer? Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: wasabi on April 16, 2013, 09:10:35 AM I know there are several guys going from San Antonio. I can't go because I had to pay for a new roof on the house. You might try looking here http://southtxdesmogruppo.forumotion.com/ (http://southtxdesmogruppo.forumotion.com/) and here http://www.facebook.com/pages/South-Texas-Desmo-Gruppo/376467625713489 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/South-Texas-Desmo-Gruppo/376467625713489).
Have fun!! Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: Pedro-bot on April 16, 2013, 10:31:09 PM I will arrive Thursday night and be there all weekend. Any of you inmates wanna grab a beer? Me and bunch of the old Houston crew will be out there. We're meeting up with some of the old Austin group too. I'll shoot you a pm. [thumbsup] Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: Drjones on April 17, 2013, 04:26:19 PM :'( Wish I was, but my wallet has a big assed hole in it called a house downpayment. Will be at the ALMS race in September though.
Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: Ducatibilt on April 17, 2013, 05:01:30 PM Me and bunch of the old Houston crew will be out there. We're meeting up with some of the old Austin group too. I'll shoot you a pm. [thumbsup] Let me know where you guys are going to be. I'll be there from Thursday on with my son. Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: IZ on April 18, 2013, 12:40:24 AM I'll be down there solo Sunday from Plano..possibly Sat too? I wish I still had my Apt for another week in Austin. [bang] I'll be meeting up with a few DFW riders but I would like to meet up with some of you Houston/SA riders that I been talking to over the years on the DMF and TOB. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: Pedro-bot on April 18, 2013, 12:38:16 PM :'( Wish I was, but my wallet has a big assed hole in it called a house downpayment. Will be at the ALMS race in September though. That's sucks man. But then again it really doesn't. ;) You're a home owner! Congrats!! Let me know where you guys are going to be. I'll be there from Thursday on with my son. I'll shoot you a text Damon. I still have your old number. If its changed shoot me a PM. I'll be down there solo Sunday from Plano..possibly Sat too? I wish I still had my Apt for another week in Austin. [bang] I'll be meeting up with a few DFW riders but I would like to meet up with some of you Houston/SA riders that I been talking to over the years on the DMF and TOB. [thumbsup] May not linger for too long in Austin after the race on Sunday. If you're around Saturday shoot me a PM. [thumbsup] Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: Drjones on April 19, 2013, 08:10:55 AM A word of advice is bring your own water. During the F1 race last year the vendors were charging $7 per liter; same liter I bought from HEB for $0.70. Food was more reasonable for what you got though when it comes to event prices.
Title: Re: MotoGP Austin anyone? Post by: IZ on April 23, 2013, 02:29:15 PM Like F1, I brought 3 bottles of water with me to the GP. Screw that..I'm not paying that much for water!! If they made me dump it..oh well, out a few bucks. I think Muscrat paid $12 for f those giant corndogs! Could've waited a few hours and bought a box of 30 from Sams for less, I'm sure!