Title: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: Steve.In.Atlanta on April 19, 2013, 09:33:42 AM My bike was stolen from out front of my house in Grant Park. 2001 Ducati Monster 900S tag number YC8-BJA. If you see it call the Atlanta Police, it's been reported. It no longer has the pinstipe on the tank.
Biggest bummer is that I was supposed to heading out on a 9 day road trip tomorrow morning. (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8289/7818955044_ff5f264c63_z.jpg) Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: zooom on April 19, 2013, 11:20:19 AM DAMNIT....that sucks...and you are in my brothers neighborhood...he is on Park Ave SE which looks like a nice place and relatively safe. Here's to hoping APD can find your baby in tact!
Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: graydo on April 19, 2013, 11:21:23 AM Miserable bastards...
Good luck with finding your bike... Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: NakedPastaRocket on April 19, 2013, 11:56:37 AM sorry to hear that man! It's happen to me. Hope they find the bike intact and unmolested.
Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: Steve.In.Atlanta on April 19, 2013, 01:12:43 PM DAMNIT....that sucks...and you are in my brothers neighborhood...he is on Park Ave SE which looks like a nice place and relatively safe. Here's to hoping APD can find your baby in tact! I live 2 blocks off of Park on Cherokee. Chances are your brother's seen my bike parked out front of my house. Small world. Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: Steve.In.Atlanta on April 19, 2013, 01:13:20 PM sorry to hear that man! It's happen to me. Hope they find the bike intact and unmolested. Yeah, hoping if it is found it's unmolested for sure. Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: SpikeC on April 19, 2013, 02:17:02 PM Best of luck getting it back and in one piece!
Just out of curiosity, do you do any anti theft measures? Fork lock, disc lock, etc.? Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: Steve.In.Atlanta on April 19, 2013, 02:18:56 PM Best of luck getting it back and in one piece! Just out of curiosity, do you do any anti theft measures? Fork lock, disc lock, etc.? I just have the steering lock. It's been parked out front for the past year and a half with no problems whatsoever. No garage or off street parking at my house. Next bike will have LoJack put on it. Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: Rudemouthsky on April 19, 2013, 09:37:04 PM I bought a fixer upper in EAV several years ago and spent 2 years pouring my $ into it, trying to contribute to that neighborhood. Got tired of having my stuff stolen and my home burglarized ever time I turned my back and moved on. I hope APD isn't as useless as Dekalb. Very sorry to hear about this.
Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: atlbikenight on May 03, 2013, 11:02:41 AM Unfortunately your bike is probably in a million pieces by now. I had mine stolen back in 2010 and the cop told me they are always busting motorcycle chop shops in the down town area. Easy to pick up and walk off with and you can part it out in less than a day.
(https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/249103_10151611396400535_953842852_n.jpg) Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: Steve.In.Atlanta on May 03, 2013, 11:08:56 AM Unfortunately your bike is probably in a million pieces by now. I had mine stolen back in 2010 and the cop told me they are always busting motorcycle chop shops in the down town area. Easy to pick up and walk off with and you can part it out in less than a day. As much as I loved that bike, it being my first Ducati and all, my new one is an upgrade. We should meet up sometime, we get together at Twain's in Decatur on Thursday nights. Title: Re: Stolen Bike in Atlanta April 19, 2013 Post by: zooom on May 07, 2013, 05:32:14 AM As much as I loved that bike, it being my first Ducati and all, my new one is an upgrade. We should meet up sometime, we get together at Twain's in Decatur on Thursday nights. this past weekend when I was at my brothers house, I was looking for your new ride on my way over to Six Feet Under...congrats on the new ride despite the circumstances under which you came to get it. |