Title: 6000 mile service Post by: T-byrd on July 03, 2008, 08:05:24 AM I've searched and can't seem to find info on what exactly is done during a 6000 mile serviceon a 2-valve. Anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance. Tanya Title: Re: 6000 mile service Post by: Speeddog on July 03, 2008, 09:38:33 AM Valve clearance checked and adjusted, oil and filter change, possibly throttle body/carb sync depending on who's doing the service.
Also depends on the age of the bike, if it's more than 2 years old, or 2 years since the belts were last changed, then new belts. More info later.... Title: Re: 6000 mile service Post by: nomadwarmachine on July 03, 2008, 11:18:33 AM Much cheaper to do the job yourself, plus you will know it is done right! [thumbsup] Title: Re: 6000 mile service Post by: Spike on July 03, 2008, 02:19:32 PM Here is a maintenance schedule from ducatisuite.com that is a very good guide.
http://www.ducatisuite.com/maintcharts.html Good luck. Title: Re: 6000 mile service Post by: uclabiker06 on July 05, 2008, 08:32:33 PM I was considering doing it myself but my bike is still in warranty so I would want someone who knows how to spot warranty issues to look at my bike cuz I certainly can't. Also I don't ride that often so the cost isn't too bad even if someone else is doing it. If I do ever do it myself it would be more for the experience than anything else.